Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Last Episode 24


Draupadi, Karna and Krishna --surprise moves


The citizens of Hastinapur very much desired to have Draupadi as their queen. She deserves to be rewarded they thought. They were happy with the way Karna their Emperor was ruling. He was a modest ruler who did everything in the prime interest of the people. The only way round was Karna marrying Draupadi or vice versa.

Kunti did put in efforts, all these days, to convince Draupadi. When she agreed to be the wife of five Pandavas, why not six, she argued. Draupadi was adamant. She argued that she had no alternative, as that was a blind incident. Kunti unknowingly had asked Arjuna to share the alms. Actually, she was not an alms. Yet, to protect her husband’s predicament, she had obliged. The situation now was different. Draupadi was the wife of five husbands. Karna had already married two. She had ridiculed and rejected Karna in the Swayamvara. He was party to the disrobing scene. Now Karna was the emperor. Someone may pass aspirations about her greed, to marry an Emperor, in spite of having five husbands’. Moreover, she now propagated Monogamy in marriage. In fact, she was averse to Arjuna marrying Subhadra.

Karna did not bother much as he had other pressing things to do. He was happy with his childhood friend and wife Vrushali. He dodged the issue all along.

Krishna and Balarama too kept away from this deliberation. They knew, that by interfering, they will be in trouble and open for criticism. People may say that they pushed Draupadi towards Karna, so that Subhadra will be the prime attraction of Arjuna.

Karna and Draupadi were straight forward. They discussed the issue to put an end to this unnecessary gossip going on in the Empire. They declared that it is a closed issue now. However, Karna knew the pulse of the citizens. He was waiting for the opportune time.

Krishna and Balarama 

Out there in Dwaraka, there was unrest in the minds of the people. They were still to come to terms with the loss of their brave young folk for no fault at all. They held both Krishna and Balarama responsible. Rukmini wanted Krishna to return immediately and console the people. Krishna and Balarama returned to Dwaraka. There were none to receive them. Krishna entered the palace, after a briefing from Rukmini, Satyabhama and Jambuvati, he went into his usual solace. He took his beloved flute, inscribed Radhe in it and sat playing his all too familiar tune. Enchanted by this tune, Meera started dancing singing her Bhajans in praise of her beloved Murali.

Krishna called Balarama and recollected the umpteen number of times, people have doubted his just motives. He further emphasised the fact, that for them, a palace is not an issue. Their job was to go to their disciples, wherever they are, and lend a helping hand. They are the “Bhaktarakshaka’s”. He suggested Balarama transform himself to his original super serpent form and sleep in the middle of the big ocean. Krishna signalled to Rukmini and slept on the giant seven-headed serpent. Rukmini sat at his feet comforting the Lord. Lord ANANTASHAYANA blessed and took care of his ardent worshippers from the comforts of the ocean. The serpent became the cradle, the waves of the ocean oscillated the cradle back and forth. The water in the ocean raised and submerged Dwaraka.

Karna surprised by Duryodhana

Duryodhana was a hard nut to crack. He was stubborn and adamant from birth. All the counselling efforts of Sage Vyasa in the Ashram proved futile. He did not heed the parent's word too. The fire God Agni was still burning bright in his stomach. Duryodhana was probably destined to have a fighter’s death. He rushed to the Hastinapur empire all alone and created scenes. He still wanted to fight the Pandavas. Karna tried his best to console him. Unable to succeed, forced to do his duty, as an Emperor, Karna proposed a fight between Duryodhana and Bheema. He did not like another bloodshed in his empire.

In presence of the huge gathering, the mace fight went on for days. Finally, Bheema swung his mace. Duryodhana jumped in the air to avoid. As he was tired, could not jump high and the mace hit his thigh. In deep pain, blood oozing out, Duryodhana fell on the laps of his only friend Karna, looked at him and breathed his last.

Karna was shattered at this unexpected turn of events. He could not digest the death of his friend on his laps.

Karna's great charity

He returned to the palace, spoke to his wives, handed over his diamond armour and the archery set along with his crown to Yudhistira and left to sage Vyasa’s Ashram, never to return.

Yudhistira, a great soul himself, lauding Karna’s gesture, kept the diamond kavacha and the archery set of Karna on the sacred throne of Hastinapur and ruled in the name of Karna, the Emperor of Hastinapur.

As per people’s aspirations, Karna with a single arrow handed over the fortunes of Hastinapur to Yudhistira and made Draupadi, the queen of Hastinapur. He thus compensated for his then role of disrobing. He upheld the right of a woman. Karna, our superhero not only in archery abut also in Charity.


Should we not in India, in recognition of the deeds of Karna, institute a National award named the “Karna Award” to the best donor for a National cause, every year?


Dear readers, this might not have happened in Mahabharata. Things might have taken place as depicted by earlier stalwarts.

This is just visualisation and my own perception.

I still revere and appreciate what is already written and known. I bow my head unto them.


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