Monday, July 8, 2024

"Are women a challenge for men?"


"Are women a challenge for men?"


At this age, with my barren head shining, ready for the photo shooter to utilise, I have seen the women then and now. A battle is raging in my head now.

"Are women a challenge for men?"

But then when? If so, how? Let me sprinkle the torch rays on it and see if it is ‘nay’ or ‘Yay’.

From the day Eve succumbed to the temptation of Adam or vice versa, the parity of the superiority of man and woman continues to rattle curious minds all over the universe. With the robust approach of men physically or mentally aided by nature’s favour, the scale always tilts in HIS favour. This tilt led to the allocation of duties. Men wandered in the open in search of food and the needy tools. Women worked in and around the four walls not that she was incapable.

Did this arrangement work in favour of the wily women? Certainly, she soon realised that these tiring men on their return were yearning for both food and sex. It was a Blessing in Disguise for her. The women capable of providing both slowly developed a grip over them. She tightened the noose. The beginning of WOMEN EMPOWEMENT. It’s  trivial if they were beaten or even abused often by men. They were the utmost exceptional cases. The women gathered at leisure times to master the skill of singing and dancing, despite learning new mouth-watering recipes. This enabled them to entertain the men folk once in a while. The men not to be let down, beat the drums and played rhythmic tunes through the musical instruments. Occasional festivals were born. Theatrical items were added wherein men dominated. So were the sports and games. Slowly boys started attending schools, and mastered literature, science, technology, medicine and whatnot. In the days of Maharaja and kings, women were mere subordinates (maids) or entertainers. They were even forced to please the kingly guests. In a few areas, women were made to watch the activities from covered windows. Even queens and princesses were not exposed.

‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ it is said. In certain inevitable circumstances in the kingdom, brave women took over. History is a testament to this. Battles were won and lost; lives were unnecessarily sacrificed just for the sake of an attractive lady. Memorials were built. Many kingdoms were doomed due to overemphasis by kings on enchanting dancing women in the courtyard intoxicated. The saga goes on with women-centered activities. Women were used as strategic tools to overpower brave warriors and rulers. Again, the women held the sway.

The school textbooks highlighted the stories of the accomplishments of these women. Slowly but steadily, the number of learning women boomed all over. Women believed they could do it. They can stand shoulder to shoulder with men. They were inferior to none. They realised that their only hurdle was freedom of action, confinement, and the prevailing barriers in the culture. One by one they crossed the thresholds. They excelled in literature, administration, science and technology, defense combats, oratory, law, sports and every other aspect of life where men dominated. Roads were filled with slogans by women towards gender equality. The men who dominated felt the pinch. Their domain was pierced. They realised only to yield, though marginally. Women conquered. They became Presidents, vice presidents, Prime ministers, Nobel laureates, Space scientists, legal luminaries, and astronauts and challenged the other coveted positions that men occupied. Women in a few instances outclassed the men folk. The barriers were broken.

Women proved that they were the best all-rounders. They could not only manage the realms of the households but also the nature of the jobs they held. They excelled in fields dominated by men. Slowly but steadily women dethroned men in all walks of life. Women became successful entrepreneurs. The highly reputed political thrones are now bestowing more and more women. From footpath vendors to the heads of the states the beaming ones are women. They proved that they were no longer showpieces or figureheads.

An amazing aspect that nature has blessed women is that they and only they can carry, care and mould the budding men from the womb, which art and skill we men may not master at all. In a country like India, if the husband dies, the wife manages the family as she is not supposed to marry again. There may be exceptions. But this is not true with men. If the wife dies, the husband marries again. He becomes a parasite.

In Britain, the Queen rules. Madam Curie won the Nobel Prize twice. Prince Diana earned more accolades. Jhansi Lakshmibai, Rani Chennamma of Kittur and the like, fought the British fiercely. The President of India is a woman. Many countries had and have women at the helm of affairs. Look at the statistics of a few countries. Women are shining and shining bright. The gender inequality is dwindling.

There is a saying, I quote,

“Behind every successful man, there is a WOMAN”

I unquote.

Let’s rephrase it as

“Besides every successful Man, there is a successful woman.”

Mention any activity in which men excelled. Women prove that they can challenge.

Is this not sufficient to nod the heads in favour of women’s superiority?

Men may say with a chilling voice ‘Nay’. They pretend. They do not wish to be offended. Their heart applauds. But their egotistic mind negates.

The world will collapse one day, without a woman. The concept of ‘To breed and to satisfy men’s greed’ is fading. She is not just a ‘baby boomer’. Her priorities have changed.

The United Nations Organization has a separate cell to foster GENDER EQUALITY. They aim to achieve it by 2030.

Men be aware, awake and alert. The women conquerors are after you.

I leave it to the readers. The question is still open. Challenge it if you wish.

"Are women a challenge for men?"


Authored by

Dr. Belavadi Prabhakar






















"Are women a challenge for men?"

  "Are women a challenge for men?"   At this age, with my barren head shining, ready for the photo shooter to utilise, I have seen...