Friday, April 30, 2021


 Episode 23

Dwaraka calling.

         Who shall be the Empress of the new Empire Hastinapur had become the talk of the town. Karna had shrugged this off for the time being, as he considered putting things in order after the war, as a priority. Kunti and Krishna had held Draupadi in high esteem. Vrushali and the other wife of Karna remained silent and let things take its own shape. Draupadi was waiting for Kunti’s move in the matter, as she was the Raajamaata.

         In Sage Vyaasa’s Ashram, Sanjaya was narrating all that was going on in Hastinapur to Dhritarashtra, Gandhari and Duryodhana .he continued to possess the divine power. Vyaasa noticed this. He was not happy. He knew this will distract Duryodhana from his counselling and that the picture and the thought of Hastinapur be blocked for the time being. Vyaasa at once withdrew all the powers he had bestowed on Sanjaya.

         Days passed by, and the way Karna introduced various reforms, was much appreciated and well-received. Kripacharya and the other learned priests suggested to Karna to perform a powerful Yagjna so that the boundaries of the Empire can be expanded. Karna imperturbably turned down this suggestion. He and Vidhura thought the other way round. By good governance, they should attract the other Kingdoms, get them into the fold and expand. They advocated the love mantra shelving hatred and fights.

         Rukmini, Satyabhama and others were keen that Krishna and Balarama should return immediately to Dwaraka. The mood at Dwaraka was not favourable they thought. Krishna should not have deputed the Dwaraka battalion to fight on behalf of Kaurava’s in the Kurukshetra war. Why our army took the side of Adharma? They questioned Krishna, the crusader of Dharma. Will this not lead to a curse and the Karma befall on Dwaraka? Is it not unfortunate, that, thousands of Dwaraka women have become widows, parents have lost their young and upcoming siblings, men who braved to protect their motherland have sacrificed their lives to save an arrogant King? What was their fault, they questioned?

         Krishna, the Lord, who himself had built Dwaraka, smiled as usual. He discussed with Balarama on the future of Dwaraka. Balarama recollected his request, long back to permit him, at least once, to be Krishna’s elder brother. He now realised, that it matters very little, and wished to revert back to the earlier role.

         The next episode 24, last episode will end with Draupadi, Krishna and Karna taking crucial decisions.

Thursday, April 29, 2021



Part 2:  A “Bird's eye view” of the Terminologies…

 As we begin this journey on the issue of Mind Your Medicines, the first step is to know why our mind desires medicines. All living beings are born with a definite structure and anatomy of their own. In many cases, the body is controlled by the mind. We enter into an environment called Mother Nature, and during the course of time get, attuned to it. We slowly develop a comfortable zone of living and presume that it is a normal condition. Once in a while, it so happens, that the mind signals that something is wrong, some abnormal thing is happening, either due to internal or external disturbance. We feel uncomfortable. We start noticing the disorder. Mental or physical. We feel, ill at ease. This is how illness creeps in. We are now pushed out of a comfortable zone.

We had never given importance to our organs. One fine morning, water starts drizzling out of our nose, eyes start itching, and our body refuses to take orders, we feel tired, our tummy feels heavy and so on… a case of an internal problem.

We were cutting vegetables, the knife unknowingly brushes our fingers, blood oozes out, we were inserting a nail on to the wall and the hammer aims at our finger, instead of the head of the nail, the finger swells with unbearable pain and so on…. a case of an external problem.

We are hard-pressed for time, the project has to be completed in time, coated on that, we have an acute family problem, there are too many irons in the fire, and we are tossed up. We overwork, tensed up. Our mind is upset. Slowly discomfort creeps in.

All these are just a few glimpses of a health disorder or a pathway to illness. It is prudent to be familiar with some common terminologies associated with our wellbeing before entering into the ocean.


“Health is wealth” they say. It is a person’s physical and mental condition.

As per WHO “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

A  healthy person is one who has a sound mind over his sound body.

The functioning of the mind and body in synchronisation with the norms set by the concerned recognized authorities.

The latest definition of Health is, “The ability to adapt and cope” with the prevailing social, emotional and technological challenges.


A disease or period of sickness affecting the body and/or mind is an illness. In medical terms, it is a traumatic experience associated with certain symptoms. It can simply be put as the malfunctioning of the system.

Illness could be short term or a long term process.

Illness could be due to injuries, infections, worries’ and/or poisons.


Any process by which we mitigate or eradicate the cause of disease or illness is termed treatment.

It could be internal or external. Through Counselling, healing, medicines, massaging, therapy or Surgery and so on….

The kinds of systems are many. Charaka, Sushruta, Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, Acupuncture, and much more connected with various occults followed in different topological regions.

The latest being telepathy, offline to online.

To be continued in part 3….

Wednesday, April 28, 2021



Episode 22

Karna as an Emperor

         Immediately after the coronation, Karna and his Queens stood in the open balcony of the Hastinapur palace and the greetings from the people reverberated. The Sun showered all his jasmine laced rays over the ground. The joy all around was boundless. Karna waved his hands before the retreat.

         After an exchange of royal greetings, Karna requested all the guests to stand in silence for a minute as a mark of respect to all those martyred in the battle. Karna ordered that the battlefield of Kurukshetra be blessed by spraying GOMUTRA and COWDUNG collected from Dwaraka’s brown cows.

         Karna went to the strong room in the palace with Sage Vyasa and matured Vidhura and held key discussions.

         Vidura was appointed as the Prime Minister.

         Kripacharya became the Head Priest of the new Empire.

         Bhimasena was handed over the baton of the Commander of the Hastinapur Empire.

         Indraprastha was converted into a War Widows Welfare Zone under the able and kind supervision of Maa Kunti. Nakula opted to assist Kunti.

         Yudhistira preferred to look after the welfare of the people, and Arjuna wished to replace Dronacharya as the coach.

         Sahadeva was entrusted with the animal infantry.

         A long discussion was held about the role of Duryodhana in the changed scenario. Duryodhana volunteered to go with Sage Vyasa to the Ashram as he needed counselling. Dhritarashtra and Gandhari too wished to be with Duryodhana in this crucial transformational period. All the three left the palace with sage Vyasa. The Kauravi widows did not attend their farewell as a mark of displeasure. They were not happy with Gandhari and Bhanumati as they were deserting them, while Kunti had come forward to take care of them.

         But, the fate of Ashwattaama was a million-dollar question to Karna. Heart in heart, he did not wish to lose such a talented person. The Pandavas too were in a dilemma as Ashwattaama was the brave and deserving son of their Guru Dronacharya. Bhimasena was bent upon taking revenge against Ashwattaama, not only for his disgusting cowardly act but also, for his control of powerful Astra’s and Mantras. Draupadi and other Pandavi’s stood firm with Bhimasena.

         Sage Vyasa and Vidhura realised that the presence of Ashwattaama would be detrimental to the Empire in the long run and that he would not leave any stone unturned to lead a Kurukshetra war 2. They also took into account the long-lasting anger of Bhimasena. They very much wanted to give vent to his anger. It was decided that Bhimasena should throw Ashwattaama out of Hastinapur Empire, as far as he can, as a punishment.

         As the dusk began to dawn, in presence of all, Bhimasena pulled the “mani”(a small bump) from Ashwattaama’s forehead with all his might, lifted him up, swirled around and with a big heave threw him. Ashwattaama became an unidentified flying object in the sky and continued to float in outer space breathing air and licking the moisture. The red blood flowing from his forehead reflected daily during the sunset.

Did Draupadi marry Karna?

How was the welcome back to Krishna and Balarama? In the next episode 23.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Episode 21….

            Karna’s incarnation

         Dhritarashtra invited Krishna to his personal chamber. He requested him to blow the conk at Kurukshetra battlefield as soon as the Sunrises and announce the culmination of the ill-fated war between blood relations on behalf of both the sides. He also appealed to convince both sage Vyasa and Vidhura to be there tomorrow and bless the new Head of Hastinapur. Krishna agreed to the appeal and discussed the other formalities. The fate of Ashwattaama was also finalised.

         The Sun rose majestically on the dot and the reflection from Krishna’s conk produced a panoramic brightness. Krishna not only blew the conk, but also released his sacred Dharma chakra, with an instruction to spray flowers, on the bodies of the blessed warriors, all over the Kurukshetra battleground. The unsolicited death had brought the Kaurava’s and Pandava’s together. But, what about the warriors from Krishna’s battalion, who were sacrificed for no fault at all? How ill-fated were the war widows?

         In the palace of Hastinapur, Dhritarashtra instructed Kripacharya to announce the appointment of Karna as the first Emperor of Hastinapur, an empire which now encompasses Hastinapur, Indraprasta, Anghad, and all other kingdoms which participated in the Kurukshetra war except Dwaraka. Inclusive of all the kingdoms which Karna had won during his yaaga. And that Karna will be crowned in the evening at the palace in the presence of the August gathering. The citizens could gather at the palace grounds to have a glimpse of their new Emperor accompanied by his worthy empresses. All the Kings and queens coming under the empire were also invited.

         Sage Vyasa and Vidhura arrived. Both met Gandhari and Kunti regretting that their advice and fore warning were not heeded in time to stop the unfortunate massacre of a number of gallant men who were yet to blossom. Their contributions nipped in the bud, they grieved. Gandhari and Kunti solaced both stating that what was to happen, has happened.

         The propitious time had arrived. The foresighted sage Vyasa requested Kunti to adopt Karna as her son in presence of the gathering to avoid any unwanted observations. Surya Putra, then Suta Putra now became the “SUPUTRA” of all gathered. The guardian parents of Karna were befittingly honoured for safe guarding, upbringing, and gifting this abandoned child to the new empire of Hastinapur. Sage Vyasa was requested to place the new Crown on the deserving head of Karna. A message in the form of waves, originating from the sacred conk, reverberated all over the World.

“Never underestimate an abandoned child. Behind every Birth, there is a Mission.”

         In the next episode…22. What Karna did as an Emperor? What happened to Duryodhana and Ashwattaama? What happened to Krishna and Balarama? And much more.



An Introduction:  Part 1

I am presenting a series of blogs entitled “Mind your medicines” in a sincere attempt to help people build preventive measures and protect themselves from falling into hell. Come on, hold my hands in this journey to relax if you wish. Remember “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Medicines may not be made in heaven, but will certainly help you jump out of hell. Already we have umpteen number of health problems and accordingly the innumerable number of medicines. In fact, the present scenario reflects a race between the two. Medicine and life have become inseparable. From the day of conception, birth to last breath, life has become over-dependent on pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.

No doubt, there are a number of agencies working day and night to weed out these dreaded health issues. It is a congregation of experts involving all aspects of the manufacture of a health-saving drug. Research and Development wings of these industries, many independent research laboratories all over the world, with lots and lots of investment of money, time, and labour, are striving hard to keep men healthy.

Various preventive measures, Intellectual Propriety Rights, associating governing laws, safety measures, and drug Inspection agencies do exist in almost all countries. But the prime question is the problem of monitoring each and every individual as he picks up the medicine, swallows, and follows/never follows the instructions. Leave aside, picking up the medicine, what the person decides, when he feels uncomfortable as far as his health condition is concerned, is the crucial question here.

He encounters a number of questions. Can I withstand the pain on my own, should I go and purchase some medicine in the nearby medical shop, should I be satisfied with the home medicine prepared by my grandma? Or even take something which the doctor had prescribed long back? There may even be people who will be happy with a peg of their favourable drink! The possibilities are aplenty.

It is the “Mind” that matters utmost. A human mind which is so rigid, and yet so fluid. A mind which is a hard nut to crack, and yet susceptible. One needs to understand, how our mind can be tuned to the emotional aspects, as well as, the academic intricacies of medical treatment, put in a generic form, so that a common man too can appreciate and derive benefit. Not to belittle, the role of societal influence in the process of recovery, especially in countries like India.

As such, the episodes in this blog, are aimed to provide a panoramic narration about the way our MIND correlates/interacts/reflects with respect to the prescriptions in particular and health issues in general. It will even be educative to those who sit on the fence when encountering health hazards. It covers feelings from rich to rags. Many times, the narrations could be an open confession of the Blogger himself, who is, on an extension of life for more than two decades. Who knows what happens to our system inside each minute, each moment? Each pulse not knowing to beat or retreat. We just hang on, blindfolded, despite open eyes, more so an open mind. These blogs are aimed to alarm you towards the abuse of drugs knowingly or unknowingly. Let us keep fit and fine.

Keep my Blog site close to your heart till the next alarm. Thank you.

Regular Episodes to be continued…..

Title Image Man in Medicine courtesy Pinterest's.

Saturday, April 24, 2021



Episode 20……

A transformed Duryodhana.

         It was a precarious situation. Almost all the ministers of his court were gone. Helpless, Dhritarashtra called a common family meeting of Pandavas and Karuavas. In addition, Krishna, Balarama, Kripacharya were also invited. Incidentally, Ashwattaama was asked to stay away from the meeting. An effort to locate Vidhura failed.

         Duryodhana’s proposal along with the opinions of women members was discussed threadbare. Duryodhana felt the absence of Shakuni mama much.

All the ninety-nine Kauravi widows had held a discussion with Duryodhana, under the leadership of Bhanumati, prior to the meeting. They had appreciated the courageous way he had ruled Hastinapur for fourteen years, and that he was brave enough to face the tricks and trades of none other than Krishna. Bhanumati had opined that Duryodhana should now denounce everything and lead a peaceful life.

For the first time, a semblance of transformation was observed in him. He did not evince interest in the proceedings. He had decided to simply obey his parents. His only priority was to have Karna as the King as a matter of solace, depriving Yudhistira of the crown.

         Dhritarashtra sought the opinion of those present about making Karna the king of Hastinapur, Indraprastha be handed over to Duryodhana and that Pandava’s will move to Hastinapur. Bhanumati’s suggestion of appointing a Queen, instead of a King this time, found little support.

          Draupadi vehemently opposed handing over her dear Indraprashta to Duryodhana. Bhima in a raising voice declared that Duryodhana, either go on exile out of the bounds or get ready to fight him in mace. He should attenuate all the wrong deeds done so far. Bhima also demanded that Ashwattaama be subjected to torture leading to slow death for the killings of Pandava siblings.

         Now Karna, the King to be, was asked to give his opinion. Karna spoke to Duryodhana. Duryodhana, analysing the precarious condition that he is in now, made it clear that he is no more ambitious of worthily pleasures as he was instrumental in the death of his brave brothers. He went to Draupadi and apologised for all that happened and that he is prepared to undergo any kind of punishment she deems fit. This magnanimity shook all gathered. There was a pin drop silence. Draupadi was left spellbound, and not knowing what to do, she apologised him. Bhima unable to come to terms just fumed. Kunti pressed his shoulders to calm down.

         Krishna cautioned that two kingdoms like, Hastinapur and Indraprastha may again cause tensions and escalate the situation with Duryodhana still around.

         Dhritarashtra then gave his final verdict.

         To be continued in next episode 21….

Thursday, April 22, 2021



Episode 19

The women stand united.

The Kauaravi’s were eager to know the opinion of Pandavi’s on Duryodhana’s proposal to end the dreaded war.

         Bhima’s wife Hidimba expressed her displeasure that Karna used the mightiest weapon to kill her son who was very young. Despite losing her son, she bravely complimented Karna for glorifying her son’s death on the battlefield. A brave lady of a robust husband indeed.

         Subhadra too was unhappy that Karna took part in stabbing her son Abhimanyu from the back. Yet, she was proud that her son became immortal due to these Karna’s men. She expressed her reservations about Karna. She, however, reminded that her husband Arjuna himself consented with Karna not to fight, and hence she has no say in the matter.

         Uttara remained neutral about Karna, but was against the truce. She highlighted how Duryodhana’s man Ashwattaama had inhumanly attempted to kill the yet-to-be-born child in her womb. She emphasised that this brutal act needs no sympathy.

         All the Pandavi’s were vocal about this wretched act of Ashwattaama in addition to his massacring the Pandava siblings in their sleep. An act unpardonable they opined.

         Interestingly, the Kauravi’s too condemned this ghastly act. They went a step ahead in suggesting that Ashwattaama should be subjected to a miserable death before Duryodhana’s condition is accepted. He has made the Kaurava heads hang in shame they yelled.

         Having heard the feelings of the women present, expressed so openly irrespective of their affiliations, Draupadi had now to pronounce her own opinion before concluding. She realised that the women present here were all common kith and kins of the dead and equally shared the sorrow.

         She narrated how Karna had time and again either took lead or joined hands in insulting her very feminine modesty. She also wondered about the predicament she will face if Karna becomes the King. Since Karna is the eldest of the Pandava’s, what if Kunti asks her to recognise him also as the husband? What then would be the position of Vrishali and Supriya? Heart in heart, all along, she admired Karna as he possessed all the special qualities of the other five Pandavas put together. She apologised for calling him umpteen times a Suta Putra unknowingly. She, however, did not forget to enquire with Bhanumati, what Duryodhana will do after making Karna the King. It’s a crucial thing to be clarified, she emphasised.

         They all concluded, that it is their legitimate duty to convey their feelings to the elders, yet accept the final verdict in order to uphold the traditions in the family. They did not fail to resolve that the women, irrespective of their attachments and affiliations will remain one in the future.

         The ball once again, fell in the court of elders.

         To be continued in episode 20…

Wednesday, April 21, 2021



Episode 18

Woman’s Era (Stree Parva)

         After a lull in Kurukshetra, it was now time for the flesh-loving animals to move towards the battlefield singing, dancing at its best. This alarmed Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva talk to their bitter halves regarding their reservations about accepting Karna as the King as proposed by Duryodhana. They were told to hasten their decision in view of the prevailing precarious situation.

         Draupadi took the lead, collected all the grief-stricken women folk, and met Kunti. Kunti made her stand clear. She reminded that Karna was as much his son as the others and hence whatever she spoke may be construed as a bias. She preferred to remain away from the deliberations. She, however, agreed to honour the decision taken.

         Gandhari too kept away still frowning at Krishna for all the happenings. Poor Krishna sat playing his favourite flute under a barren tree. The Kauravi’s in large number followed Draupadi as a mark of respect to a woman whose modesty was disrespected. They all considered this as an opportune to consecrate the acts committed by their own men.

         Draupadi took all the grieving women onto the battlefield to conduct the crucial meeting amidst the corpse of the bravest of men in history. It is these corpses who should feel happy and satisfied that their fighting spirit did not go in vain. Each widow put tilak on the foreheads of men lying in silence, each mother for her children whose fortune was yet to blossom, each sister to her brother’s upon whose hands they had tied the Raakhees.

         They all silently prayed for a minute before the crucial meeting was held. The real Stree Parva (Woman’s era) had begun. Draupadi requested all to express their hidden feelings about the future course of action without any inhibition.

         Many upcoming women desired that the Pandava and Kaurava siblings be provided with a cordial atmosphere taking moral from what calamity befell. No more ill will and bloodshed they argued. “Enough was enough”, they cried.

         Bhanumati, the little mentioned wife of Duryodhana and the queen of Hastinapur threw in dice and surprised everyone. She argued, that it was high time for worthy women to take lead and create precedence. “Let there be a Queen to rule, henceforth for Hastinapur”, she wittingly suggested. An intimate friend of Karna, she always lost to him in the game of dice and eagerly waited for revenge.

         Supriya, the second wife of Karna but more so a close friend of Duryodhana’s wife Bhanumati supports her only to be silenced by Karna’s maiden wife Vrishali. The innumerable widowers of Duryodhana’s brothers start murmuring and twist their fists.

         Vrishali intervenes to remind Draupadi that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss only Duryodhana’s proposal of making Karna the King. Draupadi agrees and looks towards the Pandavi’s for their opinion.

To be continued in the next episode 19.....

Monday, April 19, 2021



Episode 17.

Anatomy of Duryodhana’s proposal…..        

Krishna after a fruitful deliberation with Kunti, briefed Karna the following if he agrees to end the war and honour Duryodhana’s proposal:

                 1. Karna will be accepted as the eldest of the Pandavas by law and be the king.

                  2. Being the biological son of Kunti, Vrishni’s will also revere him as the emperor with tremendous power over everyone.

                  3. Yudhistira, Bhima and others will be convinced to back him as he adores the throne.

                  4. After some resistance, Draupadi, the common wife of Pandavas too may be enticed to be Karna’s wife in spite of her reservations.

         On the other side, Balarama pleaded with the hesitant Dhritarashtra to toe the line. Dhritarashtra righteously expressed his reservations as the kingdom would now slip away from the hands of Kauravas forever. However, Gandhari pointed out to him the ill designs of Shakuni which led to the present predicament. She also reminded him of the fact that the Pandavas were the legitimate heirs of the kingdom and that he should be happy to have ruled Hastinapur for so many years, though under turbulent conditions. And now Karna, though a Pandava, is an ardent follower of Duryodhana. Dhritarashtra twisted his fists and bowed to fate.

         Yudhistira took his fuming brothers to mother Kunti. Kunti asked her sons to recollect, how during the course of the war, Karna had stopped short of killing them, duly honouring her words. She also asked them to step into her shoes and think. She made them ponder over the fact that Karna is her first son, irrespective of the cause of birth has to be accepted as the legitimate leader, provided Karna agrees. He had all the qualities of being a King. Moreover, Karna had appreciated the gesture of Arjuna amidst the war and put down his armour, despite his vow of killing Arjuna. She confessed magnanimously, that, it was her experimentation on the “Birth Mantras” offered by the Rishi, which has led to this predicament.

         Nakula and Sahadeva strangely doubted the paternal lineage of Karna, though, he was the son of Kunti. They considered themselves to be Pandavas in view of the paternal lineage. In anticipation, Kunti reminded all the five that they were all an outcome of the same mantra. And so is Karna. The only difference being the birth of Karna even before marrying Pandu.

Bhima always in forefront in opposing Duryodhanas moves did not wish to antagonise Kunti. So he cleverly suggested that all the wives of Pandavas be consulted as they too mattered. Draupadi in fact had umpteen number of grudges against both Karna and Duryodhana.

         Episode to be continued in 17……

Sunday, April 18, 2021



Manu Smiti: 

yatra nāryas tu pūjyante ramante tatra devatā (3.56)

 “Societies where women are worshiped, for they are chaste and virtuous, the celestial gods are joyous.”

Episode 15

Women empowerment…..

As Balarama adjourns the meeting, the ball was now in the court of Pandavas. Krishna asks Kunti and her sons to take a decision on Duryodhana's demand. Yudhistira unable to come to terms discusses with his brothers.

Arjuna is happy to have Karna on their side but not as King. He admires the greatness of Karna as one of the great archers on par with him and that he will be an asset to the Pandava Kingdom.

Bheemasena was still twisting his hands as he wanted to prove his prowess over Duryodhana. He considered this as Duryodhana’s ploy and that his crooked mind was buying time. Bheema very much preferred a fight with Duryodhana paving for his elimination once for all.

Nakula and Sahadeva, knowing fully well that they were nowhere near, even dreaming of ruling Hastinapur left it to the discretion of their mother Kunti.

The undecided Yudhistira took refuge under his mother.

Kunti reminded her son’s that the daughters-in-law be also taken into confidence before taking a crucial decision. It is the womenfolk who had taken a lead in bringing in truce to the dreaded war.

On the other side, Duryodhana enthusing full confidence, was relaxing, yet soothing mother Gandhari about the loss of all his brothers in the war. He was trying vehemently to convince her, that it was Krishna who made all the difference and not the fault of his mighty men lead by none other than Bhisma.

Karna still reluctant to be the King of Hastinapur, when his friend and mentor Duryodhana was alive, decided to seek the opinion of his wives. Vrishali took the lead by taking into confidence the other wives. She reminded Karna of his following righteous moves now:

1.   Krishna and Kunti have made it aptly clear that Karna is now the eldest of Pandavas though not born to the late King Pandu.

2.   With Kunti being the mother of Karna, Yudhistira, Bheema, and Arjuna will not oppose. Nakula and Sahadeva will automatically follow suit.

3.   Duryodhana himself has suggested the name. So being a loyal friend of him, he should continue to honour his intentions.

4.   Karna had suffered till date, though, he had no role in all this, including his birth.

5. Circumstances forced him to side with Duryodhana, knowing fully well that the path was far from Dharma.

Vrishali convinced Karna that he had a golden opportunity now. Here is a chance to sanctify himself by ruling Hastinapur and guiding Duryodhana onto the righteous path.

When opportunity knocks at the door, wise men should open and grab it. The other wives too consented. Karna appreciated the stand and gave his nod.

Vrishali also affirmed that Sun God would be the happiest now.

    What would Panchali do? How Subhadra who lost Abhimanyu and Hidimba sacrificing Ghatotkacha would react to the proposal mattered much?

To be continued in episode 16…..



Saturday, April 17, 2021



Episode 14

Duryodhana’s secret bomb…..

Warriors’ are warriors. War or no war they keep anchoring. The two groups of soldiers stood on their toes. The Kurukshetra battlefield was silent but not the men in arms. They kept grooming. Each had etched their name in invisible letters. The unnamed in the greatest war on earth, proud and lucky. So were the countless horses and elephants.

Krishna’s tent was the centre of attraction. The men and women who mattered the most at the helm of affairs gathered. Dhritarashtra kept away. He had authorised his wife Gandhari to take a call. He knew fully well that his son Duryodhana is a hard nut to crack. The ordained meeting had begun.

Balarama the mediator initiated the discussions. Krishna appreciated the gracious stand taken by Duryodhana to give up amidst certain conditions. Kunti asked Kripacharya to fix an auspicious day and time for the incarnation of Yudhistira as the king of Hastinapur. Vrishali however, suggested that it would be wise to consider the other conditions of Duryodhana, before jumping to a conclusion. Gandhari too supported her.

Destiny or fate!

Balarama sensed the mood of Krishna who winked. Ashwattaama was summoned to put up the conditions of Duryodhana. Ashwattaama created ripples in the meeting hall. For a moment, there was pin-drop silence. A weapon never heard, and heralded, a silent killer was released by Ashwattaama on behalf of Duryodhana. The ever tough Duryodhana wanted his loyal friend Karna to be proclaimed as the EMPEROR OF HASTINAPUR and not Yudhistira.

A meticulous move indeed. Even his mentor Shakuni mama could not have conceptualized. This majestic stroke silenced Kunti. It pushed her into a dilemma. After all, Karna was her eldest son. But what about Yudhistira, her loyal and noble son, who had suffered all along? Will the Pandava dynasty reconcile?

A matter of perception

It mattered very little for Gandhari. With Duryodhana giving up, the Kauravas will be nowhere, unless the grandchildren resurrect.

It was but natural for Vrishali, Karna’s wife, to remain calm, yet rejoice from within.

Will Draupadi also called Panchali, with her vow at stake throw in her towel?

The other Pandavas dumb stuck jumped onto the shoulders of Krishna their crusader.

Yudhistira ever loyal to her mother Kunti wanted to hold a discussion with his brothers, especially the furious Bheemasena.

The clever Balarama adjourned the meeting for the time being.

To be continued in episode 15……

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Episode 13

The secret weapon


"When surrounded with outcomes of my own deeds,
I looked around and found the one..
who stood behind selflessly..
 only for me...
He became my armor..
when the ones around me
showered blessings to my enemies 
to get me killed.. "

A QUOTE FROM @RITU4U: Mahabharat forum 

Duryodhana's squad enters the pond for the crucial last-minute strategic move. Each of the elite members is asked to propose their plan towards a graceful settlement.


“All of us should move to a hiding far beyond the horizons of the Kingdom. Garner strength, wait for the right time, and strike back”.


“Agree with Ashwattaama. Let us denounce everything and go on exile. But disagree that we should hit back. It should be a royal retreat. Our action should win the hearts of the citizens and remain embedded”.


“Hastinapur be handed over to Pandavas. Duryodhana be made the king of Indraprastha. Ashwattaama be appointed as the common coach for both sides. I will remain the Kula guru for both the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Vidura be brought back as an advisor. Karna to continue as the king of Anghad”.

Duryodhana listens anxiously but consciously to all the suggestions. But this time a bit cautious as his mentor Late Shakuni was not by his side to (ill) advice.

Taking a deep breath, exercising his brain a bit, the wittingly insightful, and an astute tactician, Duryodhana takes a panoramic view of his close companions, laughs loud, and pronounces his decree. He knew very well that Karna would be his magic wand this time. He doesn’t need the sanctified dices of Shakuni this time at all.

Though, Kripacharya and Ashwattaama gave their consent to the brilliant idea of Duryodhana, Karna expressed his displeasure. The trio, however, managed to convince Karna to toe their line. Duryodhana’s squad enthused confidence in the pre-emptive move.

The secret weapon, which can seal the war outside the battlefield was ready to be placed across the table of negotiation. 

To be continued in episode 14...

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



Episode 12

The white flag furls……

The crestfallen Duryodhana at last consents to hold a face-saving negotiation with Pandavas. His handful of warriors led by Kripacharya enter the battlefield, blowing the trumpet. Surprisingly they are holding a white flag. Unaware, Pandavas rush to the ever knowledgeable Krishna.

Krishna, Balarama, Kunti, and Vrishali welcome them with a smile. The Pandavas are taken aback. They didn’t have an iota of what is happening around them. They were busy concocting Bheema to find Duryodhana and finish the war. They were stunned at the presence of Balarama and Vrishali.

Krishna called Yudhishtira and put his hands around his back. The representative smile of Krishna was well understood by Yudhishtira. Yudhishtira touched the feet of Krishna, Balarama and Kunti and sought their blessings. Kunti signaled him to take the blessings of Vrishali too. He was stunned. Yet out of respect towards his mother, which he ever had, he obeyed though in wonder.

Kunti zoomed all that transpired in the twilight. Pandavas were told for the first time that Karna was their eldest brother. They all pinched their skin in utter incredulity. Always in fury, Bheema whacked his mighty mace to the ground questioning the long secrecy maintained. For a moment the battlefield quaked. Krishna and Balarama soothed him. Arjuna had a deep sigh of relief as he had stopped short of killing his own brother.

All were waiting for Dhritarashtra’s emissary to come. Duryodhana conveyed to the parents his willingness to put an end to the unfortunate war, however under certain amicable conditions. As anticipated, the emissary arrived and handed over the consent letter to Yudhishtira. They all went into a deep discussion pondering over the pros and cons. Balarama’s opinion prevailed. Nakula and Sahadeva were sent to the battlefield along with a white flag. However, as per ever-suspicious Bheema, the entire army of Pandavas was there to provide a backup in case of any eventuality.

Dhritarashtra and Gandhari represented the Kauravas. Krishna and Kunti appeared for Pandavas. Balarama was the mediator. A long deliberation took place. Yudhishtira left everything to the wise decision of Krishna and Kunti. Gandhari spoke into the ears of Duryodhana about the relation between Kunti and Karna.

Ever agile Balarama, sensing trouble briefed Duryodhana as to how Karna rejected the proposal of both Krishna and Kunti about his birth. He made sure to applaud Karna’s stand of remaining loyal with Duryodhana despite being the son of Kunti. He even vowed to kill his own brother Arjuna in the interest of Kaurava's victory. Balarama wanted to avoid an element of suspicion in the mind of Duryodhana about Karna putting down his arms in the war when Arjuna came forward to help him set on track his chariot.

An opportunistic idea flashed into the mind of cunningly clever Duryodhana. He decided to have a final strategic meeting with his companions.

Sanjaya, the narrator had a welcome rest.

To be continued in episode 13……..

Friday, April 9, 2021



Episode 11

No honk no conch (trumpet)

The eager warriors from both sides were getting on to their toes as the Sun was sweeping away the dusk. One could hear the sweet chirping of the birds. The horses’ rhythmic running voices could be heard. The warriors looked beyond the horizon with eagle’s eyes and waited with oceanic patience. The dreaded Kurukshetra battleground was a baron. No honking and not even a whisper of the conch. The Sun opened up bright but cool. It was only the impatient steed’s circling around in the camps. The bewildered brave men sat across the huge fires sharpening their armory and letting out their own perceptions of the situation.

Balarama was holding a secret meeting with brother Krishna. He briefed him about his deliberations with Duryodhana, Karna, Kripacharya, and Ashwattaama. He also gave a clue that Duryodhana may honour his advice.

Krishna too disclosed that Karna was the first son of Kunti and in spite of briefing, Karna is reluctant to switch ends. And even after Kunti convincing him, Karna wished to remain steadfast with Duryodhana. However, Arjuna after “Geetopadesha” had won over the heart of Karna minus his art of archery. Krishna and Balarama now planned for a fruitful meeting of Dharmaraya with Duryodhana. The ambiguity of others participating in the crucial meeting was left wide open.

Kunti, Draupadi, Subhadra and other Queens impressed upon the Pandava brothers the need for a truce. They agreed with the condition that this is acceptable not at the cost of the CROWN OF HASTINAPUR.

Duryodhana too had a lengthy strategic discussion with Karna, Kripacharya, and Ashwattaama. Duryodhana, the arrogant that he was, did not wish to embrace the disgrace just like that. They all were preparing a via media which can not only end the war but also save their face. After all Duryodhana and Karna had enormous experience of ruling Hastinapur as an Emperor and Anghad as a King respectively. Their minds were full of strategies. Kripacharya and Ashwattaama were very much present to push in their thoughtful ingredients.

Dhritarashtra and Gandhari continued to remain tense…….


Episode 12……to continue…….

Thursday, April 8, 2021



Episode 10…..

Balarama arrives……only to prevail…..

         Balarama who was away on a mission assigned calculatedly by Krishna, now returns to Hastinapur, only to know the Kurukshetra battle entanglement. Dhritarashtra and Gaandhaari briefs him and prays him to prevail upon the thin-skinned Duryodhana.

         Balarama proceeds to Duryodhana’s camp. He was told that Duryodhana has gone into a hiding and that his whereabouts are unknown. Balarama being his Guru knows fully well the plausible places of hiding. His intuition takes him to the pond. Knowing that it was a hideout, pushes his plow into the pond. A void created lets Balaraama in and helps him join the team in deep planning.

         Duryodhana takes a deep sigh of relief and hugs his Guru. For a moment it was like more than winning the battle for him. Even before he could open his mouth, Balarama signals that he is aware of all that has ensued. Duryodhana tries to impress upon Balaraama by stating that he has learned and hence executes more maneuvers than Bheema if a direct mace fight is arranged between them. And that will clinch the cliff-hanger in his favour.

         After all, Balarama was Krishna’s affectionate brother and knew the mind of Krishna. How could he belittle Krishna’s plan? Balarama also was aware that Duryodhana was on the side of Adharma. But at present, was his student, thanks to the guiles of late Shakuni Maama. He had to find a way out. He just visualised the precarious situation. He very well knew the weakness or rather honourableness of Duryodhana. Duryodhana will never defy him being the Guru. Balarama put his arms around the neck of Duryodhana and told,” Duryodhana, it is true that you are in no way inferior to Bheema in the art of using the sacred weapon. Remember Krishna is on the sides of Bheema. Krishna was the main factor in Arjuna winning over Karna. The story could be repeated. Moreover, I taught you the tricks and trades of armory not to use it on your own kiths and kins. If you use it now against Bheema, the ill effect will be little your asset.”  

         Balarama prevails upon Duryodhana to end the war and seek an amicable settlement. This he said will enhance his reputation at this juncture. Karna and Kripaachaarya nod their head in consent. However, Ashwattaama begs to differ. He is yet to digest his father’s death.

Episode to be  continued…..11

ಪರಮ ಪವಿತ್ರಮ್.

ತಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಶಿವ ಸಂಭೂತಮ್ ಪಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಕೌರವ ಕೃತ್ಯಮ್ ರಾವಣ ಹತ್ಯಂ ರಾಮ ಚರಿತ್ರಮ್ ಪಠಣಂ ನಿತ್ಯಂ ಭಗವದ್ ಗೀತಮ್ ಪುಣ್ಯವ ನೀತಂ ಹನುಮ ಚಾಲೀಸಮ್ ಸೇವಾ ಸ...