Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Episode 21….

            Karna’s incarnation

         Dhritarashtra invited Krishna to his personal chamber. He requested him to blow the conk at Kurukshetra battlefield as soon as the Sunrises and announce the culmination of the ill-fated war between blood relations on behalf of both the sides. He also appealed to convince both sage Vyasa and Vidhura to be there tomorrow and bless the new Head of Hastinapur. Krishna agreed to the appeal and discussed the other formalities. The fate of Ashwattaama was also finalised.

         The Sun rose majestically on the dot and the reflection from Krishna’s conk produced a panoramic brightness. Krishna not only blew the conk, but also released his sacred Dharma chakra, with an instruction to spray flowers, on the bodies of the blessed warriors, all over the Kurukshetra battleground. The unsolicited death had brought the Kaurava’s and Pandava’s together. But, what about the warriors from Krishna’s battalion, who were sacrificed for no fault at all? How ill-fated were the war widows?

         In the palace of Hastinapur, Dhritarashtra instructed Kripacharya to announce the appointment of Karna as the first Emperor of Hastinapur, an empire which now encompasses Hastinapur, Indraprasta, Anghad, and all other kingdoms which participated in the Kurukshetra war except Dwaraka. Inclusive of all the kingdoms which Karna had won during his yaaga. And that Karna will be crowned in the evening at the palace in the presence of the August gathering. The citizens could gather at the palace grounds to have a glimpse of their new Emperor accompanied by his worthy empresses. All the Kings and queens coming under the empire were also invited.

         Sage Vyasa and Vidhura arrived. Both met Gandhari and Kunti regretting that their advice and fore warning were not heeded in time to stop the unfortunate massacre of a number of gallant men who were yet to blossom. Their contributions nipped in the bud, they grieved. Gandhari and Kunti solaced both stating that what was to happen, has happened.

         The propitious time had arrived. The foresighted sage Vyasa requested Kunti to adopt Karna as her son in presence of the gathering to avoid any unwanted observations. Surya Putra, then Suta Putra now became the “SUPUTRA” of all gathered. The guardian parents of Karna were befittingly honoured for safe guarding, upbringing, and gifting this abandoned child to the new empire of Hastinapur. Sage Vyasa was requested to place the new Crown on the deserving head of Karna. A message in the form of waves, originating from the sacred conk, reverberated all over the World.

“Never underestimate an abandoned child. Behind every Birth, there is a Mission.”

         In the next episode…22. What Karna did as an Emperor? What happened to Duryodhana and Ashwattaama? What happened to Krishna and Balarama? And much more.

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