Monday, May 31, 2021



 Part 6….”Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani medicine making”

Continuing on, the way medicines are prepared, one can throw light on other types of medicines also.

Most of the herbal medicines were earlier, localized. In fact, they were prepared in situ as and when required. No specifications of ingredients were mentioned. Side effects were not known in detail. This probably made it less known all over the world. However, today the story is different. Herbal medicines are delocalised and are available on shelves with specifications. 

Ayurveda medicines

The medicines are prepared depending on the condition of the patient and the expected therapeutic effect. Generally, the ingredients are from nature. Care is taken so that the materials are safe. A part of a herb is selected with the end effect in mind. The raw materials are obtained from a specially maintained garden called “Dhanavantari Vana” or forests. A few examples are:

Representative raw materials:

Roots like turmeric and ginger.

Leaves of coriander and Aloe Vera.

Fruits like black pepper and gooseberry.

Barks of Ashoka and neem tree.

Seeds of cardamom and coriander and so on.


Selections are done based on healing power like:

Appetizer                                           Cardamom and coriander

Indigestion                                        Basil, Ginger and Chrysanthemum

Tissues healing                                Jasmine and Cinnamon

Antibiotic (Viral infections)            Turmeric

Antiseptic (Infection protection)  Aloe Vera and Sandalwood

There is much more. The above are only representative.

A glimpse of methodology

A few simple methods of preparation are based on the concept of Pancha Kashaya Kalpa.

Extraction of the key juice from the plant by grinding or pounding.

The herbs are crushed, mixed with water to make pulps.

Boiling herbs in water and concentrating.

Immersion of herbs in hot water for the required length of time till infusion occurs.

Soaking the herbs in cold water overnight for cold infusion.



Based on a correlation table of symptoms and illness, materials available in nature like herbs and minerals are selected. They are diluted to the maximum extent possible till the solute and solvent are indistinguishable. To support amalgamation, the solution is shaken or the vessel is tapped on a soft material in between. A paste is prepared with either sugar (lactose) or salt (sodium salt) as the base. They are given as powders, pills or tablets. The criteria is “A disease is cured by the disease”.

Sometimes bush snake venoms are also used in formulations.


Here depending upon the type of ailment, pharmacological formulations are prepared.

Mufradat is a single drug formulation.

Murakkabat is a combination of drugs and is a compound formulation.

Herbs, minerals and if needed other natural sources are used. Medicines are processed by classical methods.

Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Unani

All three utilise the naturally available materials in the surroundings.

Both Unani and Ayurveda in principle consider the elements present in the human body. The wellness of a person depends on the balance of these elements. Illness, if they are in imbalance. Both approaches are also very particular about the diet regimens. Homoeopathy also puts dietary restrictions.

Having presented a trailer of the methodology of the birth and death of medicines, it is interesting to know that, medicines are obtained by accidents also. Penicillin, the most sought after, is a classic example.

Check out for related articles.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

MIND, YOUR MEDICINES CONTINUED PART 5 Medicine, its birth and death ☠


Part 5: Medicine, its birth and death


It was an evening. I was on examination duty in a small town. The food served at the Inspection bungalow was very hot and I could not cope with it. I visited the only bakery available. The bakery owner stood in front of the Almighty praying. I asked for a loaf of bread. He queried inquisitively, “Sir, I hope ALL IS WELL.” I was surprised. Jokingly, he told me that he prays God to make people ill in this town.

He started narrating his experience. People here purchase bread only when they are ill. They believe the medicine and the bread are the two sides of the same coin. If there is no sale of bread, it’s an inference that ALL IS WELL in the town. Meanwhile, an old person came for the bread. He was carrying tablets in his hand. After purchasing the bread, he asked the bakery owner, “Is this medicine OK for fever Swamy? He was when told, that it is Paracetamol taken to bring down the fever.

After a few complimentary chats, the bakery owner and I, realized, that we were schoolmates, once upon a time. After realising that I am a Chemistry Professor, he was curious to know, how these medicines are made. I gave him a “Bird's eye view” of the pathway.

“Necessity is the mother of invention,” I started.

The System

All living things have a working body to sustain. Each part is synchronised. The neuro system links these parts. A God’s own web design. As long as the parts are working, we feel normal. The moment a part malfunctions, the feeling of abnormality creeps in. We do not feel at ease. This could be an internal or an external problem. We tend to set things right on our own or discuss them with others. The clever God has also provided us a built-in immune system.

When malfunctions become common, affecting a large number of people, it raises an alarm. People set out to find remedies. Explorations start. Any material which could rectify this problem was accepted. Locally available herbs, household materials, soil, earth, fire, water, and so on were used. Hakeem’s, Vaidya’s came into existence. On many occasions, the grandma’s became the darling healers. The church priests too developed the art of healing. A few attributed it to the evil effects of devils and demons. The term medicines came into existence. On the basis of the origin, medicines were labelled as Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, and Unani and so on. The more the varieties of illness experienced, the greater were the medicines discovered. Though the term “Drugs” is also used, let us for obvious reasons, stick to the term Medicines.

In each school of approach, we find a common factor.

Based on the preparations, medicines can be classified as topical and systemic. Topical preparations are that applied on the body surfaces e.g. creams, jells, ointments, lotions, eye drops etc. Systemic preparations are given via systemic routes like oral or intravenous e.g. (tablets, capsules, syrups are oral, injection are mainly intravenous).  These are the only representative. The field is oceanic.

Why and how are medicines born?

As envisaged earlier, whenever an abnormal symptom is observed and also seems to be spreading, the concerned authorities get alerted and speak to the Health experts. A data is collected after observing the ill-affected. Urine and blood samples are collected. Microbiologists and pathologists analyse the samples and prepare a chart of observations. The advent of a microscope has come as a boon. The root cause of the abnormality is tentatively guessed. For example, it could be a viral infection. If needed, further advanced studies available from time to time is done. Once confirmed, it is referred to the various agencies to exploit a method of managing the cause. The agencies could be Research and Development organization, National laboratories, Recognised institutes or even Universities. There are agencies to fund research projects also. They set out on a definite model/plan of the probe to attack the problem. A few general approaches are:

1.      Completely eliminate the intruder causing abnormality or drive him out.

2.      Cage it and make it defunct.

3.      Convert it into an inactive form.

4.      Others as the case may be.(Burning through radiology method or laser treatment)

Let us not get into the technicalities. The experts call it “Drug Design and modelling”.

Once they find a sample, it is subjected to biological activity studies on identified systems. If the sample is found active, it is tested on specific animals. After this stage is over, permissions are obtained from the National authorities including those concerned with Drugs management to conduct a test on volunteers. Here in addition to the effectiveness of the sample, side effects are also ascertained from the volunteers if any. In all these stages, the role of Pharmacologist’s and physician investigators is prominent. These preliminary stages themselves will take away a few years. Based on the reports and feedback, modifications are done if need be. The ethnicity factor is also covered. One in thousands of sample gets selected.

Mock production

Once the sample is approved, it is subjected to mock production. As these samples are prepared in a laboratory scale to the extent of grams. The Chemical engineers take over to design and model production plants. The productions could be in the scale of tons. Even here, samples undergo competition. The cost of royalty, production, packing and distribution is compared.

Patent and Royalty

In the meanwhile, the agency/person who is bringing this medicine out to the market applies for a patent to the appropriate agency. Once the patent is registered, Drug manufacturing agencies/companies bid for the mass production and sale of this approved medicine. The company pays Royalty to the person who brought out this medicine and/or the institute for a certain period of time. Once it is done, the company is granted a license for the manufacture, distribution and monitoring by the Drug controllers of the country.

Labelling Specifications

The Drug monitoring agencies of each country specify certain norms regarding the medicines. Each container should necessarily have a label, displaying the inner contents of the medicines called specifications with percentages, warnings etc.… This has to be rigidly followed. Significant is the manufacturing date and the expiry date.

Distributing agencies (Logistics)

Through the licensed distributors, the logistics is finalised. The medical representatives play a key role in this, as they visit doctors to explain the efficacy of this medicine and impress upon them to prescribe. They also visit the Pharmacy outlets to make available these medicines.

Shelf life

Shelf life means, how long the medicine can stay, that means, the period between manufacturing date and expiry date. The manufacturing companies and the pharmacy or the medicine stores have also to worry about the shelf life of the medicine. It also depends upon the demand and supply ratio. All medicines have a shelf life/expiry date. Sometimes, a particular medicine may be altogether banned abruptly.

We do not realise the intricacies involved in the making of the medicines and the cost of its production. We hold the tablet in our hand, throw it into our mouth, just swallow it drinking water. It takes brain, time, efforts and money. A gigantic task indeed. Years of effort, crores of money, enormous hurdles are involved to keep all of us HEALTHY AND HALE.

The Death

The medicine, once its role is over, is dead. It leaves our system unceremoniously. So after the expiry date. Hail your medicine.


Medicine, its birth and death  to be continued in part 6.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Last Episode 24


Draupadi, Karna and Krishna --surprise moves


The citizens of Hastinapur very much desired to have Draupadi as their queen. She deserves to be rewarded they thought. They were happy with the way Karna their Emperor was ruling. He was a modest ruler who did everything in the prime interest of the people. The only way round was Karna marrying Draupadi or vice versa.

Kunti did put in efforts, all these days, to convince Draupadi. When she agreed to be the wife of five Pandavas, why not six, she argued. Draupadi was adamant. She argued that she had no alternative, as that was a blind incident. Kunti unknowingly had asked Arjuna to share the alms. Actually, she was not an alms. Yet, to protect her husband’s predicament, she had obliged. The situation now was different. Draupadi was the wife of five husbands. Karna had already married two. She had ridiculed and rejected Karna in the Swayamvara. He was party to the disrobing scene. Now Karna was the emperor. Someone may pass aspirations about her greed, to marry an Emperor, in spite of having five husbands’. Moreover, she now propagated Monogamy in marriage. In fact, she was averse to Arjuna marrying Subhadra.

Karna did not bother much as he had other pressing things to do. He was happy with his childhood friend and wife Vrushali. He dodged the issue all along.

Krishna and Balarama too kept away from this deliberation. They knew, that by interfering, they will be in trouble and open for criticism. People may say that they pushed Draupadi towards Karna, so that Subhadra will be the prime attraction of Arjuna.

Karna and Draupadi were straight forward. They discussed the issue to put an end to this unnecessary gossip going on in the Empire. They declared that it is a closed issue now. However, Karna knew the pulse of the citizens. He was waiting for the opportune time.

Krishna and Balarama 

Out there in Dwaraka, there was unrest in the minds of the people. They were still to come to terms with the loss of their brave young folk for no fault at all. They held both Krishna and Balarama responsible. Rukmini wanted Krishna to return immediately and console the people. Krishna and Balarama returned to Dwaraka. There were none to receive them. Krishna entered the palace, after a briefing from Rukmini, Satyabhama and Jambuvati, he went into his usual solace. He took his beloved flute, inscribed Radhe in it and sat playing his all too familiar tune. Enchanted by this tune, Meera started dancing singing her Bhajans in praise of her beloved Murali.

Krishna called Balarama and recollected the umpteen number of times, people have doubted his just motives. He further emphasised the fact, that for them, a palace is not an issue. Their job was to go to their disciples, wherever they are, and lend a helping hand. They are the “Bhaktarakshaka’s”. He suggested Balarama transform himself to his original super serpent form and sleep in the middle of the big ocean. Krishna signalled to Rukmini and slept on the giant seven-headed serpent. Rukmini sat at his feet comforting the Lord. Lord ANANTASHAYANA blessed and took care of his ardent worshippers from the comforts of the ocean. The serpent became the cradle, the waves of the ocean oscillated the cradle back and forth. The water in the ocean raised and submerged Dwaraka.

Karna surprised by Duryodhana

Duryodhana was a hard nut to crack. He was stubborn and adamant from birth. All the counselling efforts of Sage Vyasa in the Ashram proved futile. He did not heed the parent's word too. The fire God Agni was still burning bright in his stomach. Duryodhana was probably destined to have a fighter’s death. He rushed to the Hastinapur empire all alone and created scenes. He still wanted to fight the Pandavas. Karna tried his best to console him. Unable to succeed, forced to do his duty, as an Emperor, Karna proposed a fight between Duryodhana and Bheema. He did not like another bloodshed in his empire.

In presence of the huge gathering, the mace fight went on for days. Finally, Bheema swung his mace. Duryodhana jumped in the air to avoid. As he was tired, could not jump high and the mace hit his thigh. In deep pain, blood oozing out, Duryodhana fell on the laps of his only friend Karna, looked at him and breathed his last.

Karna was shattered at this unexpected turn of events. He could not digest the death of his friend on his laps.

Karna's great charity

He returned to the palace, spoke to his wives, handed over his diamond armour and the archery set along with his crown to Yudhistira and left to sage Vyasa’s Ashram, never to return.

Yudhistira, a great soul himself, lauding Karna’s gesture, kept the diamond kavacha and the archery set of Karna on the sacred throne of Hastinapur and ruled in the name of Karna, the Emperor of Hastinapur.

As per people’s aspirations, Karna with a single arrow handed over the fortunes of Hastinapur to Yudhistira and made Draupadi, the queen of Hastinapur. He thus compensated for his then role of disrobing. He upheld the right of a woman. Karna, our superhero not only in archery abut also in Charity.


Should we not in India, in recognition of the deeds of Karna, institute a National award named the “Karna Award” to the best donor for a National cause, every year?


Dear readers, this might not have happened in Mahabharata. Things might have taken place as depicted by earlier stalwarts.

This is just visualisation and my own perception.

I still revere and appreciate what is already written and known. I bow my head unto them.


Monday, May 10, 2021

MIND YOUR MEDICINE PART 4: Why does your medical bill pile up?


Part 4: Why does your medical bill pile up?

Diagnosis, Management, Prescription, the tripod towards wellness.

 Though the terms Diagnosis, management, and prescription are best left to the discretion of the Doctor, it is imperative that a common man be aware of it. The simple reason being, the final bill that we get during the discharge from the hospital, is linked to them. Whether the patient is cured of his illness or not, the bill invariably makes us struggle for breath. In anxiety to get well, we invariably nod our head in affirmative to whatever the doctor suggests. The three legs of the tripod represent the above terms, upon which the doctor infers his approach. Each term, depending upon the magnitude and nature of the illness, contributes towards the bill.


This constitutes the first leg of the tripod.

Diagnosis in simple term is an investigation to catch the real culprit. In medical terminology, “The art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms under the guidance of a Health specialist”. Diagnosis, based on history, physical examination and medical tests of the person concerned, augment the specialist to draw a line of approach towards treatment.

There are varieties of diagnosis done based on the condition of the patient. For example,

Clinical, Laboratory, Radiology, Biopsy, counselling and so on. Sometimes, the doctor recommends types of diagnosis to rule out certain anticipated diseases based on symptoms, as more than one disease can have similar symptoms. The mode of approach depends upon the style of the doctor. A few get the diagnosis done step by step, whereas, others expect all the diagnosis done at once. Again, this depends upon the condition of the patient. We should be aware of the fact, that the nature of the illness, sometimes may not be known, in spite of the diagnosis. Naturally, the expenses go up and we start unnecessarily blaming the doctor. Remember, there are hidden health problems too. The doctor may refer you to a super-specialist.


This forms the second leg of the tripod.

Management of the clinical condition is the main aim of a physician. Based on the conclusions drawn via diagnostic procedures, the doctor decides on the line of action to improve the condition of the patient. He starts the medical care of the patient for the illness or injury. This is called treatment. Treatment may completely eliminate the problem or minimise the symptom/sign.

Management can be done by suggesting lifestyle modifications or by prescribing medications. If any disease is diagnosed in the early stage, it can be managed simply by lifestyle changes e.g. exercises, yoga, change in dietary habits etc.   

When the medical care completely relieves the disease along with the symptoms/signs, then it is called a cure.

A treatment/cure could be through medication, surgical operation, therapy, counselling. Many times, the way the learned doctor speaks/interacts, treats/cures the patient.

In extraordinary conditions, if the doctor feels that the disease is incurable, may still continue the treatment. This, however, will not relieve one from the disease but provide strength/energy to withstand the ill effect for a reasonable length of time.

Again, based on the type of treatment/cure and duration of time, the bill escalates. Don’t forget the type of ward you choose, if the treatment requires hospitalization.

If you are lucky to be diagnosed with an illness that requires no hospitalization, the doctor will advise for medication at home and reevaluation after an interval of time. He will just prescribe the medicines.



The third leg of the tripod is prescription.

After the processes of diagnosis and decision towards treatment, the doctor invariably writes the plan of action. On his/hospital official pad, he will write a minimum of three things. These scribblings are authorization for the pharmacist to supply the contents as per norms. It is like a license. It also contains the following instructions:

1.      Name of the medicines with conditions.

2.      The quantity of each medicine/ Duration

3.      The frequency or the number of times to be taken in a day.

4.      The mode of taking.

5.      The future date of checkup if needed.


In addition, other instructions like B.P. and weight monitoring may also be written.

The symbol

 in the beginning stands for medical prescription, it means ‘Please take’.

1-1-1 means three times a day. Morning, afternoon and night. Similarly, 1-0-0, 0-0-1, 0-1-0, 1-0-1 have respective meanings.

This indication depends upon the longevity of the effect of each medicine. If medicine X can act for 24 hours, it is denoted as 0-0-1 etc. Many medicines prescribed to be consumed in the night, is to safeguard the patient from any mishap while fast asleep.

Other instructions about side effects, diet, exercises and other precautions to be taken are usually given orally.

Even here, the price of the medicines prescribed by each doctor varies based on the brand/the company which manufactures.


Is there any correlation between the cost of the medicine and its efficacy in the subsequent episodes?

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 2nd election results: A blessing in disguise for BJP


What did we learn from May 2nd Election Results in India? – A Blessing in disguise for the BJP.


The recent elections in the five states of India are over and the results are out. Irrespective of who won the battle, it is India which gets the credit. Let us analyse the results and the pre-election scenario.

West Bengal.

1.      Many jumped out of TMC to join BJP. They were given tickets to the contest. The local BJP cadre which had borne the brunt of TMC fury all along and built the party did show their anger.

Lesson learnt is an honour and recognize the root-level cadre.

2.      BJP coined the slogan “Sab ka Saath, sab ka Vishwas, sab ka Vikaas.” TMC coldly implemented it by winning the Vishwas of minorities.

3.      Political analysts and TV Channels failed to understand the maturity of the now intelligent Indian voters. The voters have time and again proved that they have Regional aspirations, as well as the National prestige in mind. They favour both a strong local leader at the regional level and a strong leader at the National level. Development of the State and safeguarding of National issues should go hand in hand.

4.      Though there may be stray incidents of attack on the modesty of women, by and large, every Indian holds a woman in high esteem and dislikes belittling her in open. They always rush to protect her when attacked.

5.      The propaganda of ED raids, Infringement on EC by the ruling party are all trivial and holds good irrespective of who is the ruling party at that time.

6.      A lot of aspirations were hurled at the central government and EC for conducting the elections amidst the prevailing COVID conditions. Holding of Rallies and Public speeches were questioned and criticized. But none took cognizance of the fact that Covid spread was more rampant in states like Maharashtra where elections were not being held.

7.      National level parties like Congress and Communist are almost decimated now leaving BJP as the only National party in the reckoning.

8.      TMC has to rule West Bengal now under the watchful eyes of BJP as a strong opposition party that is also ruling at the Centre.

9.      The BJP should realise now that the minorities too come under the terminology of “Sab ka Saath, Sab ka Vishwas”. Else other parties will start cherishing their “Vikaas” by appeasing them.

10.   TMC has retained its strong voter's support. The voters of Congress and communist parties seem to have shifted their loyalty to BJP.

11.   TV Channels continued hyping the Owaisi factor which however, is unseen.

12.   The development of the Nation as a whole is a priority rather than Religion.


Assam, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Kerala

1.      The voters there too have behaved expectedly.

2.      Without Jayalalitha, the TN result was well known.

3.      The handling of Corona situation by Kerala’s Health Minister helped the party in retaining its hold.

4.      In Assam, the decimated and lacklustre Congress was the only opposition for BJP.

5.      Puducherry has opened the gates for BJP for the first time.

6.      Unfortunate highlights of these state elections are the defeat of learned and deserving candidates set up by the BJP. Mr. Annamalai, an efficient and able IPS officer in Tamilnadu and Mr Sreedharan, the famous Metro man in Kerala. Notwithstanding the defeat of Rathnaprabha, IAS, a retired Chief Secretary in Andhra Pradesh by-elections.

In conclusion, we can say that this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for BJP. There is no National Party of reckoning in India now to challenge BJP. Even if all the scattered regional parties come together, under the leadership of TMC, which to my mind is a distant possibility, the BJP may have the last laugh as far as the Parliament elections in 2024 is concerned. They seem to have acceptable leaders in the cadre.

ಪರಮ ಪವಿತ್ರಮ್.

ತಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಶಿವ ಸಂಭೂತಮ್ ಪಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಕೌರವ ಕೃತ್ಯಮ್ ರಾವಣ ಹತ್ಯಂ ರಾಮ ಚರಿತ್ರಮ್ ಪಠಣಂ ನಿತ್ಯಂ ಭಗವದ್ ಗೀತಮ್ ಪುಣ್ಯವ ನೀತಂ ಹನುಮ ಚಾಲೀಸಮ್ ಸೇವಾ ಸ...