Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 2nd election results: A blessing in disguise for BJP


What did we learn from May 2nd Election Results in India? – A Blessing in disguise for the BJP.


The recent elections in the five states of India are over and the results are out. Irrespective of who won the battle, it is India which gets the credit. Let us analyse the results and the pre-election scenario.

West Bengal.

1.      Many jumped out of TMC to join BJP. They were given tickets to the contest. The local BJP cadre which had borne the brunt of TMC fury all along and built the party did show their anger.

Lesson learnt is an honour and recognize the root-level cadre.

2.      BJP coined the slogan “Sab ka Saath, sab ka Vishwas, sab ka Vikaas.” TMC coldly implemented it by winning the Vishwas of minorities.

3.      Political analysts and TV Channels failed to understand the maturity of the now intelligent Indian voters. The voters have time and again proved that they have Regional aspirations, as well as the National prestige in mind. They favour both a strong local leader at the regional level and a strong leader at the National level. Development of the State and safeguarding of National issues should go hand in hand.

4.      Though there may be stray incidents of attack on the modesty of women, by and large, every Indian holds a woman in high esteem and dislikes belittling her in open. They always rush to protect her when attacked.

5.      The propaganda of ED raids, Infringement on EC by the ruling party are all trivial and holds good irrespective of who is the ruling party at that time.

6.      A lot of aspirations were hurled at the central government and EC for conducting the elections amidst the prevailing COVID conditions. Holding of Rallies and Public speeches were questioned and criticized. But none took cognizance of the fact that Covid spread was more rampant in states like Maharashtra where elections were not being held.

7.      National level parties like Congress and Communist are almost decimated now leaving BJP as the only National party in the reckoning.

8.      TMC has to rule West Bengal now under the watchful eyes of BJP as a strong opposition party that is also ruling at the Centre.

9.      The BJP should realise now that the minorities too come under the terminology of “Sab ka Saath, Sab ka Vishwas”. Else other parties will start cherishing their “Vikaas” by appeasing them.

10.   TMC has retained its strong voter's support. The voters of Congress and communist parties seem to have shifted their loyalty to BJP.

11.   TV Channels continued hyping the Owaisi factor which however, is unseen.

12.   The development of the Nation as a whole is a priority rather than Religion.


Assam, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Kerala

1.      The voters there too have behaved expectedly.

2.      Without Jayalalitha, the TN result was well known.

3.      The handling of Corona situation by Kerala’s Health Minister helped the party in retaining its hold.

4.      In Assam, the decimated and lacklustre Congress was the only opposition for BJP.

5.      Puducherry has opened the gates for BJP for the first time.

6.      Unfortunate highlights of these state elections are the defeat of learned and deserving candidates set up by the BJP. Mr. Annamalai, an efficient and able IPS officer in Tamilnadu and Mr Sreedharan, the famous Metro man in Kerala. Notwithstanding the defeat of Rathnaprabha, IAS, a retired Chief Secretary in Andhra Pradesh by-elections.

In conclusion, we can say that this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for BJP. There is no National Party of reckoning in India now to challenge BJP. Even if all the scattered regional parties come together, under the leadership of TMC, which to my mind is a distant possibility, the BJP may have the last laugh as far as the Parliament elections in 2024 is concerned. They seem to have acceptable leaders in the cadre.

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