Saturday, June 12, 2021

Bless me with hallowed virtues.

Bless me with hallowed virtues. 

Bless me with those hallowed virtues,

Of love and service, till I close my eyes.

I plead with my hands soaked in sacred ghee,

O God, Light the lamp of kindness in me.


I bend my knees and bow my head,

Bestow those values even when dead.

If burned, let the scent go down the aisle,

If buried, let the soil around get fresh and fertile.


Let my consecrated ashes make the land noble,

If immersed in the Divine River, let the Aquarius's smile.

If preserved in a hospital, let it be a source of knowledge,

Let each part parade and light the saint and righteous badge.


By chance, with your blessings, people erect a statue,

Let its look and poise trumpet the heavenly virtue.

O Almighty, the humans alive or dead,

Inherited virtues, let them kindly spread.


  1. This is an excellent Blog and I wish Dr. Prabhakar a very blogist.

    1. Thank you Krishnamurthy for your kind words and blessings.


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