Monday, July 26, 2021

haiku poem's


just before sleeping

stand in front of the mirror 

say "see you again"

haste makes waste

let's go on a date, 

shall we fix the wedding date? 

wait, wait, haste makes waste 

wavy life

sea an example

blowing wind control wave heights 

life too is wavelike 


a baby is born 

suck milk from nipples unknown 

a god's creation


a good batsman plays 

irrespective of the pitch 

life too is a pitch


the rains have reason 

summer is for vacation 

we call a season


haiku saves your time 

to tell follow 5 7 5 

keep it short and sweet

sow when it rains

crowded clouds caress 

dirtydrains, thirstyterrains undress, plough, and sow 

happy harvesting 


nature furious 

at our curious nature 

precarious future


june 20th, arriving 

the players get set to fight

glittering trophies 

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