Thursday, July 1, 2021

My pretty little dog

Thanks to Pinterest for the cartoon 

I own a choicest pretty little bulldog

He loves to hop with his friendly frog

Often barking at the artists painted snake


Circles around, jumping in and out of the lake



Whenever it gets a long piece of sturdy bone

Clutching with teeth, my dog plays all alone


Leaving alone the piece of bone, it chases the cat


Which in turn is chasing the neighbours friendly rat.



I can see its curvy tail wagging with affection


Whenever I take it near his walking companion  


Every time I sit to write, my favourite blog


I will never miss this pretty little dog.



It runs and fetches the ball with relentless joy


To make it an exciting scene for us to enjoy


When my grandpa takes it for a jolly ride


It dumps all its extra luggage by the lakeside.



This honest pet is a gem of my find

This pet I have is the rarest of its kind.


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