Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Hairs of Pandava's


Game of  Dice

It was a full moon day in Hastinapur, the epic place of Mahabharata. Under the stewardship of the blind King Dhrutarashtra, a competition called dice (Pagade) was arranged under the twilight of the blooming moon between Kauravas and Pandavas. The prestige of the Pandavas was at high stake. If they lose, they will be on exile for 14 years out of the bounds of the Hastinapur kingdom. A galaxy of great warriors were in the august audience. Beeshma pitamaha, Achaarya Kripalani, Guru Dronacharya to name a few on the side of Kauravas for the name sake. Lord Krishna was the lone crusader on the side of Pandavas that too on telepathy from Dwaraka providing a moral support. The astute Shakuni mama was leading the Kauravas on behalf of the aspiring King Dhuryodana.

Draupadi at Stake

At the beginning, Dharmaraaya, the prince destined to be the natural King of Hastinapur was outclassed. He lost all that he had staked. Dhuryodana poked at him laughing loudly supported by his other ninety-nine delighted brothers. The brothers of Dharmaraya, all worthy unparalleled warriors were at the dooms end. But their pride was at stake. They were all in a dilemma. To give up and go on exile or plunge to take a last chance. Lord Krishna kept smiling. Dhuryodana gave the Pandavas a last chance with a never imaginable offer. Keep their lone wife Draupadi at stake. If Pandavas lose again, she will be at the beck and call of Kauravas as a ‘Daasi’.

Matter of Modesty

All those gathered were on their toes as the last crucial game commenced. Draupadi was furious at the cruel decision of her husbands. Lord Krishna was smiling. The august illuminaries were shaking their heads with their minds tied. Shakuni mama the astute, twirled the dice in his hand umpteen number of times till he got the proper grip and let them go. Lo and behold, the dice turned Kauravas way. At once, Draupadi was summoned. When she refused to appear, Dushyasana untwined her furled hair, held it firmly and pulled her on to the arena where the Pandava heads were down in distraught. Then came the dreaded scene. Obeying the orders of Duryodhana, brother Dushyasana started pulling the saree of Draupadi down, undressing her modesty one by one. All the great heads were down in shame. Dhrutarashtra was lucky as he was blind and Gandhaari too, as she had her eyes blinded with a cloth.

Hair or Heir
Crushing their might within, helpless as it was, the Pandavas bowed down. But the hairs of Pandavas arose. The hairs of Druapadi remained unfurled. The little hairs of Krishna’s moustache smiled, as he knew, that at the end of the tunnel, the Pandavas will be the HEIRS OF HASTINAPUR. Draupadi will furl her hair back tucking in the conquered herd. He the Lord, will have the last laugh throwing Shakuni mama’s astuteness to the winds.

Thanks to Pinterest and for the photo.


  1. There is nothing to comment on this. This is an abstract of the great epic mahabharatha.Adharma dominates in the beginning and finally it is dharma that wins.

    1. Thanks for reading. Yes an abstract written in my own way. Keep reading my blogs❤.


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