Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Whose child am I?


Whose child am I?

Is it really necessary to know the truth? Need not. Matters very little.

But warn you.

Never ask someone, “Whose child are you?” You will get a slap on your head.

Ask yourselves, “Whose child am I?” You will get a slap on your mind.

You are awaken.

Lord Krishna never bothered about it. He himself created that scene.

Jagadguru Shri. Adi Shankaracharya answered in his own majestic way when asked by his would be Guru. He was knowledgeable even at the age of eight.

Both were great philosophers.

How is one born?

The male pushes and detaches the sperm. The female too releases the sperm only to attach again firmly and clutch it in the womb. Once the child is out, the female detaches herself with the cutting of the umbilical cord. A child in a physical form manifests. Did anyone observe what happened in between? The Atman from an unknown destination had entered the womb, made its shelter in the child’s form. An Atman upon whom the concerned male and female had no International Property Right.

For each Atman, it is a new Gruha Pravesham. Atman is not concerned how the house was constructed. Out of just or lust is irrelevant. An Atman either glitters or litters the house depending upon whether its past ‘Karma’ was butter or bitter.

Then who am I?

An Atman of the past. An Atman of the present born with a purpose based on the karma of the past.  Perform karmas to be in oneness of “PARAM atman” in the future.

A child awaken is a PARAM atman.

Thanks to JPEG for the photo.

1 comment:

  1. Past present and future karma. A chance to reform is always given in the form of rebirth. Further an iota of good done in past is important. If there is no transformation, no solvatjon. Divine acts reform karma to some extent. They say taking bath in river Ganga washes our sins. There is difference between character and behav iour. For every problem there is a solution.


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