Monday, October 19, 2020

When it Rains Cats and Dogs.


When it Rains Cats and Dogs.

Today when it rains cats and dogs,

Media glitters. Mobile flashes. Politician’s harness. Public look helpless 😣. Authorities clueless. Philanthropist’s help people in distress. Criticism galore. Suggestion rains cats and dogs. A few days’ later normalcy reigns. 

For a selected few, fortune rains cats and dogs.

 It’s raining ☔ cats and dogs nowadays everywhere pushing life in to total disarray. People are not sure what to do. Crop’s ready for harvesting are dithering. Crops stocked are being taken away by the flooding water 💦 leaving the farmer in distress. Many families have lost their shelters. The authority is looking helpless 😣 though they have sent the disaster management team. Not even a place to attend to nature call 🤙.

People blame but whom, the rain god, their own fate, the government and the list continues. But let’s remember that this is not a new phenomenon. This has happened, happening and will happen. No one knows why. Even in seventeenth century farmer’s faced such calamity and the only solace was to pray as evident from this poem:

A seventeenth century poem by Esthonians.

“Dear thunder we offer to thee an ox,

 That has two horns and four cloven hoofs;

 We would pray thee for our ploughing and sowing,

That our straw be copper-red, our grain golden-yellow.

Push elsewhere all the thick black clouds,

Over great fens, high forests, and wildernesses.

But unto us, ploughers and sowers,

Give a fruitful season and sweet rain.

Holy thunder, guard our seed-field

That it bear good straw below,

Good ears above, and good grain within.”


Our Vedic hymns also sang,

“O Parganya, when roaring and thundering

Thou killest the evildoers,

Then everything rejoices,

Whatever lives on earth.”


Thanks to :

The poems are picked from ‘India: What can it teach us?’ by Friedrich Max Muller.

Photo by jpg

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