Thursday, March 11, 2021

Karna the Emperor of Hastinapur


A New Possibility in Mahabharata 

By Dr.Prabhakar Belavadi 

The wheel of fortune

The great Kurukshetra war had entered midway. The pride of Duryodhana was being masked with warriors dust and the smoke emanating from the corpus of Kaurava greats. The pride of Kauravas bowing flag was at stake. Mama Shakuni was biting his nails. It was time for Karna to enter the arena as the only saviour of the sinking ship.

The sun opened up at the horizon, bugles blew, the two great archers ever seen ,stood at their respective battle field edges not aware that they were pushed out of the same womb. A Pandava versus Pandava in the grab of a Kaurava. For a moment it was not Kurukshetra but Kulakshetra.

Sanjaya was narrating the war scene all excited. It was a mesmerizing cliff hanger. Even the tossed coin would have disappeared in the blue skies ashamedly. Dhrutaraashtra was in a confused state not knowing which way the fate will turn. All of a sudden Sanjaya put both his hands on his head and yelled , “Oh My God”. My Lord, he sighed, “Karna’s Charriot wheel is stuck in the sacred mud.”

The stuck wheel, a wheel of fortune and a signal heralding a twist to the great war of Mahaabhaarata.

Episode to be continued........

I acknowledge with gratitude for the photo from Pinterest .

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