Friday, March 12, 2021


 Episode 2.... Paartha' s fortune

Episode 2.........

Paarthaa’s Fortune........

The shocked Karna got down from his chariot to help his Saarathi lift the stuck wheel. Despite all efforts, the wheel refused to bulge. Karna realized and recollected the curse he was bestowed upon by his Guru. Kept his sacred bow and the arrows down and continued his efforts to lift the wheel out.

Lord Krishna the Guardiga and Saarathi of Arjuna immediately visualized a golden opportunity of pouncing upon the helpless Karna and asked Arjuna to aim his arrow at Karna without wasting his time. Arjuna the great archer that he is, refused to budge and aim his arrow at the armless Karna, knowing fully well that this was immoral and would bring discredit to him.

Lord Krishna smiled and reminded how his son Abhimanyu was killed from the back at the Chakravyuha. He further emphasized that ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. Arjuna retarded back saying that he is not like a coward warrior in the herd of Kauravas. Paartha further emphasized that his armour is sacred as it is blessed by his Guru Dhronaachaaryaa.

In turn, Arjuna reminded how Krishna had attempted to finish Bheeshma pitaamahaa with his “Chakra” breaking his, wow not to use the weapon in this war. Now also Krishna could use his Chakra and kill Karna if he still wishes, Arjuna suggested.

Bemused, Krishna realized the mind set of Paartha, smiled and explained to Arjuna, that his sacred Vishnu Chakra has multi uses depending upon the occasion. He actually did this by ordering the Chakra to swirl around his fingers. Fully realizing the situation, Krishna started deciphering the all-famous and world-renowned “Bhagavadgeeta”. The swirling Chakra functioned as a CD and started recording the entire Geeta verbatim. A Geeta is sacred to all of us at all times at all places and occasions.....

The Vishnu Chakra was also labeled as “Dharma Chakra.”

Paartha sat on his knees bowing before Lord Krishna, elated as he had the greatest opportunity of being the root cause for the birth of the renowned “Geetopadesha”. It was Paartha’s fortune, a blessing in disguise indeed.

Episode 3 to continue............

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