Saturday, March 13, 2021


 Episode 3...

Kurukshetra stunned........

As soon as Krishna finished his “Geetabhodhana”, Arjuna touched the feet of Krishna in all nobility and expressed his gratitude. Arjuna emphasized that the gist of his Geeta was the establishment of “Dharma” come what may. That Vushnu’s incarnation often happens when “Adharma” reaches its pinnacle.

In the true spirits of his Geeta, it’s now Paartha’s Dharma to help Karna in distress instead of killing him. Thus emphasizing, Paartha got down from the Chariot and moved towards Karna to help him put the Chariot back on its track. Both Krishna and Karna stood awe stuck by this move. Paartha humbly bent down to get the wheels out of the sacred mud. A reunion of blood.

Karna very much moved by this gesture wondered whether he was really at war with Arjuna. Being the King of Angadesha, his experience and intuition made him appreciate the grandness of Arjuna. He immediately realized that a person of Arjunas stature was a blessing for mankind and much needed in the furtherance of “Dharma.” Karna lifted his armor, hugged Arjuna, abandoned his Chariot declaring that he has no intention to continue in this war. Met Duryodhana and expressed his apologies for what he did.

A piquant situation where the great trios existing to uphold the same vision. Vishnu in the form of Krishna to establish Dharma. Arjuna upholding his Dharma of helping a person in distress what if he is his enemy. Karna his fate tossing him to fight from the side of Kaurava’s as his friend Duryodhana had recognized all along with his values and made him the King of Angadesha. It was Karna’s righteous Dharma to fight on behalf of Kauravas.

The battlefield of Kurukshetra was stunned, it was a lull. The sunset early smilingly.

Watch out for the next episode.........

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