Wednesday, March 17, 2021



Duryodhana bewildered …….Episode 4

The bewildered Duryodhana puts in panoramic efforts to convince Karna and safeguard his prestige which is getting ground. Karna refuses to change his decision. He declares that Arjuna by his gesture has a moral victory over him and that fighting and killing Arjuna will belittle his credibility. Karna coolly gets back to his tent.

Duryodhana with his crown at stake summons Kripaachaarya and Ashwatthaama to his tent. After deep and long deliberation, Duryodhana in disguise leaves the tent only to enter a pond. Only the trio knows where he is. The Pandava’s are in perplex. Until Dhuryodhana is defeated and made to denounce his crown, the throne of Hastinapur remains an illusion.

Draupadi is still busy combing her long reddish hair draped in blood. Kunti is happy that all her children are alive till now. She is yet to digest the turn of events.

Dharmaraaya deliberates with his brothers about the future course of action.

Arjuna convincingly demonstrates to the world that even “Gesture” and not just “Armour” can win the battle.

Lord Krishna is proud that his beloved Arjuna has superbly outsmarted him.

Dhrutaraashtra and Gaandhaari spend yet another sleepless night.

The families of soldiers from both sides rejoice with a big sigh of relief.

The hunt for Dhuryodhana begins.

Bheema massages his muscles……. Did he scent a hint?  

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