Friday, March 19, 2021


 episode 5....  

Krishna, Kunti and Karna’s meeting...

The sudden change in minds of Paartha and Karna forced Krishna to adopt a new strategy. He took Kunti to the tent of Karna.

Krishna knew fully well that there was no need to involve Yudhistira in the deliberations as he was bound to obey the decisions taken by Kunti.

Kunti and Krishna convinced Karna about the need for a crying halt to the dreaded war. They showcased how from seasoned elders to brave young princes on both sides have been lost in the battle. They also reminded Karna that the future generation will look upon this war as a precursor to the unnecessary animality between brothers in the family. Now is a golden opportunity to herald to the world that there is a ray of hope even amidst grave hatred for the brothers to hug and unite. And that this onus lies with Karna.

They convinced him that a donation need not necessarily be physical but also spiritual, moral, and ethical. They also highlighted how the innumerable vows taken by the giants were shattered in the battle.

Karna the great-hearted at last, realized that he was all along with a victim of destiny but remained biologically the son of Kunti. As such, as the eldest son of Kunti it was his duty to listen to her and that it is his Dharma to look after the other children of Kunti. It is the common womb that matters. After all the other five Paandavaas were not to be blamed.

However, Karna insisted that the battle cannot be called off as Duryodhana is alive and that he is still the King of Hastinapur.

The quest for Duryodhana begins......

episode to be continued..........

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