Saturday, March 27, 2021


 “Geetaa” the sacred prevails.........

Episode 6.......

Karna the cursed, curses his misfortune. How blessed Arjuna is to have the golden opportunity of listening to the “Geetopadesha” delivered by Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu. Arjuna could have easily killed me. Influenced by those sacred phrases of Geetaa, Arjuna had turned the events. “And so he too should” Karna thought.

Karna calls upon Kripaacharya. Ashwatthaama is also invited. They dwell upon the turn of events and deliberate on how Shakuni held sway on Duryodhana and lead him on a path of destruction. Was it futile to take on Krishna they wonder? Continuing this war is blind perseverance they decide. Ashwatthaama however differed. He could not digest the fact that Krishna had a hand in the cunning death of his father Dronaachaaryaa. The trio however proceeds to the pond where Duryodhana was in hiding.

The Bhagawadgeeta had conquered the deliberations of the Kurukshetra battleground. Heaps of groups of the great warriors were seen sitting around the “fire of contention” amidst the lull about the future of the war. For a moment, the warriors on both sides had forgotten that they were enemies. The Geetaa had thus mesmerised them. “Geetaa”, the pinnacle of Dharma.

Episode to be continued........

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