Monday, March 29, 2021


 Episode 7.........

Duryodhana Pacified......

Kripaachaarya and Ashwattaama take Karna to the pond where Duryodhana was in hiding. Karna is baffled. He could not understand why Duryodhana all along with a stubborn king and boasted of his supremacy decided to hide. Did the events at Kurukshetra melt away his brave mindset?

Kripaacharya asks Duryodhana emerge out of the pond as Karna has come to meet him. Duryodhana refuses to come out and see Karna’s face. Karna gets ready to dry up the pond with his special arrow so that Duryodhana will have no option but to see him. The still water of the pond is perturbed. And so is Duryodhana. Helpless, he pumps up only after making sure the absence of others roundabout.

Kripaachaarya narrates to Duryodhana the prevailing situation in Kurukshetra battlefield and puts across the deliberations the trio had. The long discussion prolongs from dusk to dawn. Duryodhana was also told of the profound influence the sacred “Geetaa” was having on the minds of not only the warriors but also the citizens around the entire empire. They also pacify him that under the circumstances the only way left was to agree to a truce.

Duryodhana thinks otherwise. He prefers to wait and watch till Balaraama returns. He blindly feels that only Balaraama can keep Krishna away from the war. Once Krishna withdraws, it would be a cakewalk for him. However, Kripaachaarya reminds Duryodhana about the relation between Krishna and Balaraama and points out of the several occasions when Balaraama had succumbed to the smart moves of Krishna.

Ashwattaamaa still hanging under his vow, remains silent throughout the discussions hoping that Duryodhana with the devil in him would not budge. At last, accepting the slim chances that he has now, Duryodhana reluctantly agrees to meet Krishna for a respectable negotiation. Thank God Shakuni Maama is not alive.

Not aware of the developments, Bheema continues to massage his muscles.

Next episode to be continued.....

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