Tuesday, April 6, 2021



Episode 8…..

The furious faminines……

While the men at the helm of affairs were pondering, the women were not letting it go. They decided that their job was not confined to perform aarti and put tilak whenever their husbands left for fighting. The imbibed powers they possessed were at stake. They thought it was high time to utilise it.

Karna’s wife Vrishali came to Kunti’s tent. Draupadi was also asked to join. Draupadi and Vrishali complimented the supreme deeds of Karna and Arjuna in the midst of the Kurukshetra war. Kunti highlighted the supremacy of the two warriors. Last but not the least, the super humanness exhibited by them is not willing to kill each other.

“Both Karna and Arjuna cleverly proved to Krishna that their decision not to fight against each other was in the lines and spirits of the sacred Upadesha so brilliantly given on the battlefield,” Kunti explained to Draupadi and Vrishali. As Draupadi had hidden admiration for Karna’s capability, she just nodded. Vrishali too consented as she knew the ill influences of many curses around Karna in spite of his having an edge over Arjuna.

Kunti the great mother and more so mother-in-law she was, now summoned Subhadra to her tent. After all, it was Subhadra who had lost her brave young son Abhimanyu in the war. Her feelings were at stake at this juncture. The unwilling Subhadra was forced to toe the line being told that with Arjuna being alive, Subhadra can have any number of Abhimanyu’s in the future. Kunti strongly believed that it was an appropriate time to disclose that Karna was her eldest son. She invited the wives of all her sons to keep them informed about the secret of Karna’s birth. The women were stunned and taken aback. Karna’s wives were delighted as they were no longer to be labeled as the wives of a Sutaputra. The dreaded title was gone once for all.

Under the shrewd leadership of Kunti, whose main motto was to save and put together all her sons and inherit back the crown of Hastinapur, the women vowed to prevail upon the men including Duryodhana to draw the curtains. They all rushed to Gaandhaari.

Episode 9 to be continued………

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ಪರಮ ಪವಿತ್ರಮ್.

ತಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಶಿವ ಸಂಭೂತಮ್ ಪಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಕೌರವ ಕೃತ್ಯಮ್ ರಾವಣ ಹತ್ಯಂ ರಾಮ ಚರಿತ್ರಮ್ ಪಠಣಂ ನಿತ್ಯಂ ಭಗವದ್ ಗೀತಮ್ ಪುಣ್ಯವ ನೀತಂ ಹನುಮ ಚಾಲೀಸಮ್ ಸೇವಾ ಸ...