Monday, March 29, 2021


 Episode 7.........

Duryodhana Pacified......

Kripaachaarya and Ashwattaama take Karna to the pond where Duryodhana was in hiding. Karna is baffled. He could not understand why Duryodhana all along with a stubborn king and boasted of his supremacy decided to hide. Did the events at Kurukshetra melt away his brave mindset?

Kripaacharya asks Duryodhana emerge out of the pond as Karna has come to meet him. Duryodhana refuses to come out and see Karna’s face. Karna gets ready to dry up the pond with his special arrow so that Duryodhana will have no option but to see him. The still water of the pond is perturbed. And so is Duryodhana. Helpless, he pumps up only after making sure the absence of others roundabout.

Kripaachaarya narrates to Duryodhana the prevailing situation in Kurukshetra battlefield and puts across the deliberations the trio had. The long discussion prolongs from dusk to dawn. Duryodhana was also told of the profound influence the sacred “Geetaa” was having on the minds of not only the warriors but also the citizens around the entire empire. They also pacify him that under the circumstances the only way left was to agree to a truce.

Duryodhana thinks otherwise. He prefers to wait and watch till Balaraama returns. He blindly feels that only Balaraama can keep Krishna away from the war. Once Krishna withdraws, it would be a cakewalk for him. However, Kripaachaarya reminds Duryodhana about the relation between Krishna and Balaraama and points out of the several occasions when Balaraama had succumbed to the smart moves of Krishna.

Ashwattaamaa still hanging under his vow, remains silent throughout the discussions hoping that Duryodhana with the devil in him would not budge. At last, accepting the slim chances that he has now, Duryodhana reluctantly agrees to meet Krishna for a respectable negotiation. Thank God Shakuni Maama is not alive.

Not aware of the developments, Bheema continues to massage his muscles.

Next episode to be continued.....

Saturday, March 27, 2021


 “Geetaa” the sacred prevails.........

Episode 6.......

Karna the cursed, curses his misfortune. How blessed Arjuna is to have the golden opportunity of listening to the “Geetopadesha” delivered by Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu. Arjuna could have easily killed me. Influenced by those sacred phrases of Geetaa, Arjuna had turned the events. “And so he too should” Karna thought.

Karna calls upon Kripaacharya. Ashwatthaama is also invited. They dwell upon the turn of events and deliberate on how Shakuni held sway on Duryodhana and lead him on a path of destruction. Was it futile to take on Krishna they wonder? Continuing this war is blind perseverance they decide. Ashwatthaama however differed. He could not digest the fact that Krishna had a hand in the cunning death of his father Dronaachaaryaa. The trio however proceeds to the pond where Duryodhana was in hiding.

The Bhagawadgeeta had conquered the deliberations of the Kurukshetra battleground. Heaps of groups of the great warriors were seen sitting around the “fire of contention” amidst the lull about the future of the war. For a moment, the warriors on both sides had forgotten that they were enemies. The Geetaa had thus mesmerised them. “Geetaa”, the pinnacle of Dharma.

Episode to be continued........

Friday, March 19, 2021


 episode 5....  

Krishna, Kunti and Karna’s meeting...

The sudden change in minds of Paartha and Karna forced Krishna to adopt a new strategy. He took Kunti to the tent of Karna.

Krishna knew fully well that there was no need to involve Yudhistira in the deliberations as he was bound to obey the decisions taken by Kunti.

Kunti and Krishna convinced Karna about the need for a crying halt to the dreaded war. They showcased how from seasoned elders to brave young princes on both sides have been lost in the battle. They also reminded Karna that the future generation will look upon this war as a precursor to the unnecessary animality between brothers in the family. Now is a golden opportunity to herald to the world that there is a ray of hope even amidst grave hatred for the brothers to hug and unite. And that this onus lies with Karna.

They convinced him that a donation need not necessarily be physical but also spiritual, moral, and ethical. They also highlighted how the innumerable vows taken by the giants were shattered in the battle.

Karna the great-hearted at last, realized that he was all along with a victim of destiny but remained biologically the son of Kunti. As such, as the eldest son of Kunti it was his duty to listen to her and that it is his Dharma to look after the other children of Kunti. It is the common womb that matters. After all the other five Paandavaas were not to be blamed.

However, Karna insisted that the battle cannot be called off as Duryodhana is alive and that he is still the King of Hastinapur.

The quest for Duryodhana begins......

episode to be continued..........

Wednesday, March 17, 2021



Duryodhana bewildered …….Episode 4

The bewildered Duryodhana puts in panoramic efforts to convince Karna and safeguard his prestige which is getting ground. Karna refuses to change his decision. He declares that Arjuna by his gesture has a moral victory over him and that fighting and killing Arjuna will belittle his credibility. Karna coolly gets back to his tent.

Duryodhana with his crown at stake summons Kripaachaarya and Ashwatthaama to his tent. After deep and long deliberation, Duryodhana in disguise leaves the tent only to enter a pond. Only the trio knows where he is. The Pandava’s are in perplex. Until Dhuryodhana is defeated and made to denounce his crown, the throne of Hastinapur remains an illusion.

Draupadi is still busy combing her long reddish hair draped in blood. Kunti is happy that all her children are alive till now. She is yet to digest the turn of events.

Dharmaraaya deliberates with his brothers about the future course of action.

Arjuna convincingly demonstrates to the world that even “Gesture” and not just “Armour” can win the battle.

Lord Krishna is proud that his beloved Arjuna has superbly outsmarted him.

Dhrutaraashtra and Gaandhaari spend yet another sleepless night.

The families of soldiers from both sides rejoice with a big sigh of relief.

The hunt for Dhuryodhana begins.

Bheema massages his muscles……. Did he scent a hint?  

Saturday, March 13, 2021


 Episode 3...

Kurukshetra stunned........

As soon as Krishna finished his “Geetabhodhana”, Arjuna touched the feet of Krishna in all nobility and expressed his gratitude. Arjuna emphasized that the gist of his Geeta was the establishment of “Dharma” come what may. That Vushnu’s incarnation often happens when “Adharma” reaches its pinnacle.

In the true spirits of his Geeta, it’s now Paartha’s Dharma to help Karna in distress instead of killing him. Thus emphasizing, Paartha got down from the Chariot and moved towards Karna to help him put the Chariot back on its track. Both Krishna and Karna stood awe stuck by this move. Paartha humbly bent down to get the wheels out of the sacred mud. A reunion of blood.

Karna very much moved by this gesture wondered whether he was really at war with Arjuna. Being the King of Angadesha, his experience and intuition made him appreciate the grandness of Arjuna. He immediately realized that a person of Arjunas stature was a blessing for mankind and much needed in the furtherance of “Dharma.” Karna lifted his armor, hugged Arjuna, abandoned his Chariot declaring that he has no intention to continue in this war. Met Duryodhana and expressed his apologies for what he did.

A piquant situation where the great trios existing to uphold the same vision. Vishnu in the form of Krishna to establish Dharma. Arjuna upholding his Dharma of helping a person in distress what if he is his enemy. Karna his fate tossing him to fight from the side of Kaurava’s as his friend Duryodhana had recognized all along with his values and made him the King of Angadesha. It was Karna’s righteous Dharma to fight on behalf of Kauravas.

The battlefield of Kurukshetra was stunned, it was a lull. The sunset early smilingly.

Watch out for the next episode.........

Friday, March 12, 2021


 Episode 2.... Paartha' s fortune

Episode 2.........

Paarthaa’s Fortune........

The shocked Karna got down from his chariot to help his Saarathi lift the stuck wheel. Despite all efforts, the wheel refused to bulge. Karna realized and recollected the curse he was bestowed upon by his Guru. Kept his sacred bow and the arrows down and continued his efforts to lift the wheel out.

Lord Krishna the Guardiga and Saarathi of Arjuna immediately visualized a golden opportunity of pouncing upon the helpless Karna and asked Arjuna to aim his arrow at Karna without wasting his time. Arjuna the great archer that he is, refused to budge and aim his arrow at the armless Karna, knowing fully well that this was immoral and would bring discredit to him.

Lord Krishna smiled and reminded how his son Abhimanyu was killed from the back at the Chakravyuha. He further emphasized that ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. Arjuna retarded back saying that he is not like a coward warrior in the herd of Kauravas. Paartha further emphasized that his armour is sacred as it is blessed by his Guru Dhronaachaaryaa.

In turn, Arjuna reminded how Krishna had attempted to finish Bheeshma pitaamahaa with his “Chakra” breaking his, wow not to use the weapon in this war. Now also Krishna could use his Chakra and kill Karna if he still wishes, Arjuna suggested.

Bemused, Krishna realized the mind set of Paartha, smiled and explained to Arjuna, that his sacred Vishnu Chakra has multi uses depending upon the occasion. He actually did this by ordering the Chakra to swirl around his fingers. Fully realizing the situation, Krishna started deciphering the all-famous and world-renowned “Bhagavadgeeta”. The swirling Chakra functioned as a CD and started recording the entire Geeta verbatim. A Geeta is sacred to all of us at all times at all places and occasions.....

The Vishnu Chakra was also labeled as “Dharma Chakra.”

Paartha sat on his knees bowing before Lord Krishna, elated as he had the greatest opportunity of being the root cause for the birth of the renowned “Geetopadesha”. It was Paartha’s fortune, a blessing in disguise indeed.

Episode 3 to continue............

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Karna the Emperor of Hastinapur


A New Possibility in Mahabharata 

By Dr.Prabhakar Belavadi 

The wheel of fortune

The great Kurukshetra war had entered midway. The pride of Duryodhana was being masked with warriors dust and the smoke emanating from the corpus of Kaurava greats. The pride of Kauravas bowing flag was at stake. Mama Shakuni was biting his nails. It was time for Karna to enter the arena as the only saviour of the sinking ship.

The sun opened up at the horizon, bugles blew, the two great archers ever seen ,stood at their respective battle field edges not aware that they were pushed out of the same womb. A Pandava versus Pandava in the grab of a Kaurava. For a moment it was not Kurukshetra but Kulakshetra.

Sanjaya was narrating the war scene all excited. It was a mesmerizing cliff hanger. Even the tossed coin would have disappeared in the blue skies ashamedly. Dhrutaraashtra was in a confused state not knowing which way the fate will turn. All of a sudden Sanjaya put both his hands on his head and yelled , “Oh My God”. My Lord, he sighed, “Karna’s Charriot wheel is stuck in the sacred mud.”

The stuck wheel, a wheel of fortune and a signal heralding a twist to the great war of Mahaabhaarata.

Episode to be continued........

I acknowledge with gratitude for the photo from Pinterest .

ಪರಮ ಪವಿತ್ರಮ್.

ತಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಶಿವ ಸಂಭೂತಮ್ ಪಾಂಡವ ನೃತ್ಯಂ ಕೌರವ ಕೃತ್ಯಮ್ ರಾವಣ ಹತ್ಯಂ ರಾಮ ಚರಿತ್ರಮ್ ಪಠಣಂ ನಿತ್ಯಂ ಭಗವದ್ ಗೀತಮ್ ಪುಣ್ಯವ ನೀತಂ ಹನುಮ ಚಾಲೀಸಮ್ ಸೇವಾ ಸ...